Chapter 1

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Percy POV

One year after defeating Gaea, I was lying on the beach next to the water, talking to a minnow. He said that it was so annoying that he couldn't breathe on land- and that he'd always wanted to explore it. I didn't catch the little minnow's name before a new Dionysus camper yelled, "Percy! Chiron wants to see you!"

Ugghh, I thought, another quest? Let's hope not!

When I arrived at the Big House, I was greeted by some very grumpy friends and one girlfriend. I saw Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Thalia, and Annabeth. 

"Chiron!" Piper glared at Chiron, "Will we ever get some peace?"

"Obviously not!" Nico grumbled, twisting his skeleton ring around his finger.

"I know you may be unhappy that I've called you here, but it is very important." Chiron turned to make sure all of us were looking at him. "When the flame was in England, Hecate had four children. Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff. They started a school for Hecate, known as Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, they teach legacies of Hecate to control their abilities.

"They teach them spells, and the history of magic. Though- they do not know they are descendants of Greek Gods. They believe they were just blessed with magic! You are going to go back in time, to when one wizard, Harry Potter, just started his first year at Hogwarts. You will have to protect him, but you cannot reveal who you are until you have the full trust of Harry and his two friends. Only the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore knows who you are- but to the rest, you are exchange students from America. I know you must have many questions, so I will give you a pamphlet to study- we leave in two days!" 

There was a murmur of annoyance from the demigods as they were given a pamphlet, and then pushed out the door.

***Annabeth POV

"Okay! Everyone ready??" I asked. "Hecate is going to come to time-travel us in about two minutes!"

Everyone was packed, and ready, and even though they didn't want another quest, they were actually excited! 

"Hello, demigods!" Boomed the voice of Hecate. "Please close your eyes, as I am in my true form to bring you back in time."

I closed my eyes, wondering what it would feel like. But I didn't feel anything.

"Good luck, demigods! I will bring you back to your time when you have completed your quest." Said Hecate, and then she was gone and all I could see was a mortal train station. And a package laying in front of me!

"Guys, look at this!" I picked up the package, on it in calligraphy it said 'Demigods, you each get a wand and a ticket, they will be labelled so you know whose is whose.' I was so glad it was written in Greek! I tore open the package and saw eight sticks, all labelled. I picked up the first one. 

"Percy! Oak wood with a hair of a Pegasus core, twelve and a half inches!" I gave Percy his wand, and promptly gave the others their's.

These are the wands:

Thalia: Pine wood, eagle feather, eleven inches

Jason: Cedar wood, thunder bird feather, ten inches

Nico: Black Cherry wood, dragon heart string, eleven and a half inches

Annabeth: Birch wood, barn owl feather, thirteen inches

Piper: Beech wood, unicorn hair, thirteen and a half inches

Frank: Spruce wood, monkey fur, ten inches

Hazel: Maple wood, phoenix feather, nine and a half inches

"Oh, how funny," Thalia scoffed. "Pine wood! Ha. Ha."

"C'mon guys, let's go." I looked at my ticket (thank the Gods it was in Greek). "We've got to get to platform... nine and three quarters??"

Everyone looked confused as we stood between platform nine and ten. 

"How do we get there??" Jason asked.

"May I be of some assistance?" Everyone jumped as we saw a red haired woman smiling at us. "Hello, I am Mrs. Weasley, these are my children. Are you looking for platform nine and three quarters??"

"Y-yes," I stuttered, "We are."

"Don't worry- it's Ron's first year too, and Harry's, but he's not mine." She gestured to a red haired boy and a brown haired boy with glasses. And a scar...

I heard Hazel suck in a breath, this must be Harry- Harry Potter!

"Well, dears. All you have to do is run towards this column." Mrs. Weasley pointed to a very sturdy looking column. "Watch Fred and George!"

Fred and George ran towards the column, and when they were about to hit it, they disappeared!

"Woah!" Gasped Percy.

"Yeah.." I smiled, than stared at Percy's face- he looked eleven or twelve. "Percy- we got younger- I forgot about that!"

Everyone stared at each other for a few seconds, then, Ron said, "You coming, then?"

"Yes, definitely!"I replied. 

He looked at me strangely, "You're American, aren't you?"

"Yes, we are." Smiled Piper.

"'Now let's go!" Forced Jason, glaring at Ron, who was gaping at Piper.

Jason nudged Piper, "Let's go!" She said, voice dripping with charmspeak.

They all turned to the column, and went in.

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