Chapter 3

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Nico's POV

I walked down to Percy and Annabeth's table. This is going to be awkward. I thought. No! Nico! You're over Percy, you love Will. But then I realized it would be awkward, because Percy and Annabeth were practically married! Staying with a 'married' couple- Gods, I felt like Leo! When the sorting was over, and Dumbledore had made his speech, ending with, "Please welcome our  new American exchange students, Perseus Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Jason and Thalia Grace, Nico DiAngelo, Hazel Levesque, and Frank Zhang. They will be at our school for as long as... necessary, so please respect them." 

There were collective murmurs throughout the hall, and a lot of staring at the newly sorted 'exchange students'. Suddenly, all of the tables- including Percy, Annabeth's and mine- were filled with food. 


Professor Dumbledore had led us up the steps of Hogwarts, confusing me entirely. And probably more so Percy. He told us that there was a painting for a door- and the password was 'Zoe' which was the only thing the painting would respond to. When we got to the painting, I studied it for a few minutes- it radiated death and was covered with stars, seemingly forming a constellation. In the top right corner was a picture of Atlas, the titan. When Percy saw the painting, a tear slipped down his cheek. Annabeth hugged him tight, whispering comforting words into his ear. 

"Zoe." I whispered, and the painting swung outwards, revealing the Silverstreak 'Common Room'. There were a few silver chairs and one silver couch (silver- ha, ha). And then there were three staircases leading up to what I assumed were rooms. I knew we only needed two, though. 

"Why, hel-" Started a ghost. I stared at him, hatred in my eyes. "H-hello, my Lord."

"You're an escapee from my father! Unacceptable!" I shouted pointing an accusing finger at him.

"I-I'm Sir Strinker..." The ghost trailed off.

"Nico- c'mon. We can figure him out later. For now, let's explore our new living area!" Said Percy, rushing up the middle staircase. Annabeth and I followed him, and at the top we found a silver queen-size bed. There was also a desk with some books on it, which Annabeth immediately ran over to. She looked at the books. 

"Oh- cool. These are our books for class." Explained Annabeth. "You boys better study!"

"Yeah... we will, Annabeth." Percy said cautiously, winking at me. Just that subtle motion made my face heat up. You have Will! I thought, You're over Percy! 

I turned to hide my face from Percy and Annabeth. Who probably wouldn't have noticed anyway, as they were deep in a conversation about English being a different language than American. Percy was arguing for, Annabeth against.

"Percy!" Annabeth chuckled, faking annoyance. "People in England and in America both speak English. Just, some words are different than others!"

"Yeah- but their accent..." Percy smirked at Annabeth struggling with her words.

"Percy- we have different accents- yet we both speak English and Greek." Said Annabeth calmly.

"Sooo.. there is a New York-English?" Percy asked, truly wondering.

"No! Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth struggled to contain her laughter. "It's just the accents that are different! WE SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE!"

"Non tutti noi ('Not all of us' in Italian)!" I smiled.

"Huh?" Questioned Percy.

"Never mind, lets just go check out the other rooms!" I said, walking down the stairs. We looked at the other two rooms, which were exactly the same as the first. Except that I realized that they had plastic nameplates hanging on the doors. The left room said 'Nico', the Center 'Annabeth', and the right 'Percy'.

After I pointed this out, Percy grabbed the nameplate that said 'Annabeth' and hung it next to the one saying 'Percy'. Annabeth playfully slapped him, but didn't object.

We heard a knock on the door, "Knock, knock?"

I opened the door to reveal Hazel, Frank, Piper, Jason, and Thalia. 

"Dumbledore said we could come up here." Smiled Piper.

"Well then, come in!" Annabeth beckoned them into the Silverstreak common room.

"Silverstreak? A new house- really?" Jason grinned.

"Yeah, Jason." Smirked Thalia. "These three always need all of the attention. They need to help with everything!"

"Here, I'll count off a couple things." Chuckled Piper. "Being offered immortality- and refusing it! Holding up the sky. Going to Tartarus. Going to Tartarus by your self! Defeating Kronos when you are twelve. Having a bloody nose that woke up Gaea..." 

"We all know she could go on forever!" Frank said, taking a seat on the silver couch.

"But of course we're joking!" Hazel smiled sweetly.

"Anyways- we've got to talk about a plan- a strategy. Annabeth?" Thalia asked as she, along with everyone else, sat down on either the couch or chairs.

Sorry I haven't been writing new chapters. Christmas, etc. This is sort of short- but hopefully from now on I'll be posting every three- four days.

Thanks my few viewers for reading this!

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