Chapter 2

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Annabeth POV

"Woah!" Frank exclaimed as they stepped through a brick column, onto a completely different train station. There was a huge black and red train in the station that everyone seemed to be getting on.
"C'mon then!" Ron hugged his mom and led us towards the train, Harry on his tail. We followed him to an empty compartment.

"Are you sure you don't mind us sitting here?" Hazel asked nicely.

"No, not at all," replied Harry. "There's plenty of room."

They all sat down in the compartment. 

"So Harry," Thalia asked, I jammed my elbow sharply into her ribs. But she didn't seem to notice. "Are you really 'The Boy Who Lived'?"

"Yeah," Harry said, pushing up his hair to reveal his scar. "But, could you not talk about it? It gets annoying."

"Yes!" I said. "Of course."

"Thanks." Harry smiled.

Just then the trolley came up, "CANDY!" Percy screamed.

"Now, Percy, don't scare the poor lady!" Piper said, grinning.

"Yes, mom number two." Percy replied.

"What? Wait- who's mom number one?" Piper asked.

"Annabeth." Percy said, I smiled. "Anyways, could I please have one of each candy?"

"Of course, lad." The trolley lady smiled, handing Percy one of each candy.

Hecate had given us a bag with infinite wizard money, so Percy reached into it and handed a coin to the trolley lady. Ron stared at him in disbelief as he smiled, saying, "Keep the change."

Percy had a small pile of candy on his lap. As the trolley lady left, he raised his wand aand muttered "Πάρτε μεγάλο." Which means 'Get big' in English. I had forgotten that Hecate enchanted our wands so that we could say anything in Greek- or Latin- and it would happen. I gasped as the candy grew to twice it's original size. A second later, a girl with frizzy brown hair somewhat like Hazel's stepped into the compartment.

"I'm Hermione, have you seen a toad, a boy named Neville is looking for his." She said.

"No, sorry, ahh... would you like some candy?" Percy said.

"No, candy is not good for your health- but I'd like to sit here. If that'd be okay?" Hermione questioned. I knew we would become great friends.

"Yes, you can sit here." I smiled, pointing to an empty space beside me. "Oh! We haven't introduced ourselves, sorry guys. Okay, I'm Annabeth-" I almost said daughter of Athena, but luckily Thalia kicked my shin.

"Hey guys, I'm Jason." Jason smiled.

"I'm Piper."

"I'm Thalia."

"I'm Nico."

"I'm Frank."

"I'm Hazel"

"And I'm Percy."

"We're all American exchange students!" I finished, looking around.

"Cool," Said Harry. "Oh yeah, I'm Harry."

"And I'm Ron." Ron said.

Everyone smiled and started talking, one time on our journey to Hogwarts, Percy made a stupid remark. I was about to give him a peck on the lips when I said in Greek, "Sorry, Perce. Remember, we're only eleven or twelve. That goes for you too, Jason, Piper, Frank, and Hazel."

Frank and Hazel blushed when I said that. Thalia and Nico snickered and Hermione, Ron, and Harry didn't pay us any attention.


"Grace, Thalia." Professor McGonagall said. "Please step to the stool."

I watched as Thalia skipped up to the stool. The professor paced a hat on her head which drooped over her eyes. I could see that Thalia was getting sort of emotional, even though she hid it well.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat boomed. Before running over to take a seat at the cheering Gryffindor table, Thalia ran over to me, and squeezed my hand.

"The hat shows you your memories." She said, I shuddered at the thought. No wonder Thalia was so emotional.

"Weasley, Ronald." Said Professor McGonagall.

Ron stepped up to the stool, and after a couple seconds the hat shrieked, "GRYFFINDOR!" 

Ron's brothers all clapped. After five more students, my name was called.

"Chase, Annabeth." 

"You mean Jackson, Annabeth!" Piper called. I blushed.

I walked up to the stool, and the hat was placed on my head. I couldn't see anything besides the brown leather of the hat. Until it started going through my memories...

Tartarus, you survived Tartarus my dear? Very brave. Oh, I see you have met your soulmate. Oh, jealousy, fear, doubt, sadness. You held up the world? Please let these memories end! The hat said in my head.

Then, I heard it, "SILVERSTREAK!" Everyone turned to each other, confused. The hat continued, "The house for those who have gone through Hell itself, for those who have found their soulmate, and, most importantly. For those who have held up the world!"

"QUIET!" Professor Dumbledore boomed. The hall was quiet. "There have been legends of a how called Silverstreak. I believe what the hat said is just a metaphor. Saying the house has unbelievable bravery, love, and strength. We shall set up a Silverstreak room in the west tower, and here is a table. Thank you! Commence with the sorting."

Dumbledore waved his wand, and suddenly there was a round table near the back where I sat down. Everyone was staring at me. I knew Dumbledore was trying to cover for my with the 'metaphor' stuff. But I think both what the hat said and the metaphor are true.

"Levesque, Hazel." Professor McGonagall called.

Hazel sat on the stool figiting, until, finally, the hat said, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

I rested my chin on my hand as more people were called. 

"Jackson, Percy." 

Percy sat down on the stool and scrunched up his forehead. 

"SILVERSTREAK!" Everyone stared in awe, as Percy walked down the aisle to take a seat next to me.

The rest were:

Jason: Griffindor

Piper: Slytherin (unfortunately)

Frank: Hufflepuff 

Thalia: Gryffindor

Everything went smoothly until Nico was called.

"DiAngelo, Nico."

Nico walked up to the stool and sat down. He was figiting with his skeleton ring. He looked anguished as he relived his memories. Just as he seemed like he was about to cry, the hat made it's decision.

"SILVERSTREAK!" The hat bellowed. Nico looked confused, probably because of the thing where he didn't hold up the sky. He walked down to where we were sitting, still seeming like he was going to cry. Percy engulfed him in a hug. Everyone stared, and Nico blushed. This was not a normal sorting.

What did you think? 1034 words! Crazy. So yeah, this thing happens when Will and Nico are together. Jason and Piper are together. Percy and Annabeth are together. Frank and Hazel are together. Just pretend there is no ToA- except for Solangelo! 

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