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The rest of the team continued to stare at her.
'Well, it was nice knowing us outer' Sakura gulped.

Sakura gazed at the members of the basketball team with a nervous smile. "Anyone gonna help a girl up?" she joked attempting to laugh the awkward situation away.

Silence stretched on until a blue-eyed male stepped up to give her a hand.

"You should watch where you flip, yeah" Deidara said cheerfully. Although Sakura noticed his smile she couldn't help but decipher how fake it was.

"I do feel bad, but it was a simple mistake anyone could have made" Sakura replied with her own fake smile. 'who do they think they're speaking to?' she thought as they continued to look at her as if she was less than the gum they stepped on.

Pain narrowed his eyes to slits "No reason to get so angry, just apologize and be on your way" he replied dismissively. "I did apologize you people-" Sakura paused in her anger to breathe in and out. "You know what I'm just going to walk away before I do something I regret" Sakura walked away with haste.


'You did well out there outer!' Inner exclaimed with victory. Sakura let her lip quirk up at the compliment.

The bell rang soon after; kids spilled into the halls in hordes pushing her in every direction. "Ugh, watch it" she grumbled in annoyance. The halls were more crowded than normal as she walked to her next class.

Orochimaru was her next teacher with a peculiar taste in anything with snakes. The male had bone-straight black hair and a smile of a killer, but hey who was she to judge?

Although his appearance was weird he was a cool enough teacher to be around all except for the whole snake thing.

'Welp let's go to hell' sakura thought in acceptance. 'Oh I'm sure we're already there'


The class was bustling with excitement when she arrived giving her a second headache. Dragging her bag to the back of the class she prayed for peace. Putting her bag on her desk she reached for her chemistry book which seemed to be missing 'what-how' Sakura thought in panic. "You have got to be kidding me I know I put it in my bag"

The class was now brimming with noise making it harder to focus. A tap on her shoulder made her jump in surprise. Sakura gazed up at the sudden interruption in her book search which so happened to be Naruto. "Sakura-Chan I haven't seen you since gym class" he said scratching his head. "Yeah, since I was attacked by that baboon huh?" Sakura said with a sarcastic tone.

"Ur-un" was all he got out before he was shoved to his seat by an annoyed Sasuke Uchiha. "Naruto you idiot didn't we agree on not fucking with just anyone?" he said passing Sakura and eyeing her with a smirk as if he knew something.

Naruto seemed to get pissed at his comment" Teme you can't say that to Sakura-Chan!" Naruto frowned as he was pushed to his seat again with his other friends. Lava seemed like it was flowing from her ears, oh yeah she was going to kill him.

'All day I've dealt with the opposite gender and they all have pissed me off' she thought biting her tongue. Orochimaru then came in and the class immediately became a cemetery.

"Good morning class I know you're all excited about the new semester, hm?" He asked dragging his S's. No one had the balls to groan so they stuck to staying silent to get on his good side.

"Now I expect you all to have come prepared with your books today so please turn to page 556 in your chemistry textbooks and begin reading where we left off before Christmas break" he said smiling. Sakura's eyes widened in horror. 'I know I didn't replace it I made sure I brought it I never forget anything!..unless.'  Sakura looked up at the group of males that were by the window two of which were smirking at her and realization hit her.

"They took my book" she muttered lowly. Orochimaru seemed to hear her because of how silent it was "Did you say something Ms. Haruno?" Orochimaru asked setting a pack of documents down.

Sakura's head snapped towards him and she gulped "Ah n-no I was just missing my book is all" she said nervously. Naruto seemed to notice his friends behavior when she said that because their grins widened. "Aye teme what's with your stupid smile?" Naruto whispered.

Sasuke seemed to have been holding an extra book in his hand that he clearly didn't need. "Shut up dope we're only joking around we'll be caught if you're loud" he scowled.

Orochimaru frowned "I'm disappointed Haruno you're usually one step ahead, so you'll have to share with someone for today" he turned back to his desk to shuffle papers.

Naruto frowned and snatched the book from a surprised sasuke. "You can't just take her book like that" Naruto said his voicing getting louder. Sasuke's eyes widened when he noticed Sakura heading their way to sit near them.

"Give me my book back you chicken ass" Sakura whispered with a frown fixated on her face. Just as Naruto was giving it back Neji grabbed it out of his hand. "Move you pink-headed freak, who said this book was yours?" Sakura was getting angry by the minute "I suggest you give me my book unless you want another broken body part!" Sakura screamed. Neji laughed "You mean that punk-ass slap? try me!"

Shikamaru woke up from his nap in time to dodge a desk getting knocked over. "What a drag, you people can't solve anything without violence?" He asked dodging a book being thrown his way.

The kids in the class started to get loud and bet on who would win while Orochimaru was attempting to calculate the cause of the mess. "You stupid idiots just leave me alone I apologized already!" Sakura screamed taking a side of her book to pull. While Neji and Sasuke were pulling the other. 'Damn how big is this book?' Inner snickered.

"GET OUT" a hiss was heard throughout the classroom making everyone freeze. Sakura looked at a fuming Orochimaru 'I am so dead this time' Sakura thought as she finally let go having Neji and Sasuke hit the floor.


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