Part 1

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I'm Azalee i'm 17 years old and im About 5'7 not to tall, got everything i need in the right places. My daddy the king of the game  here and well i'm the princess. 

" YO BITCH, IM TALKIN' TO YOU!!", i turn to see dre, " Hey daddy what you want now?", i smirk as he trows his big arms around my waist, and gives me a sweet peck on the cheek.

"Where you been sweetheart? I aint seen you in like a month."

"I been a little everywhere, Where you been? you and Sara still together or  what?", i smile a flirty smile, thinking "kiss me, kiss me GOD DAMMIT KISS ME", he just looks at me " you OK Shorty, Wait I can read minds!!" he pauses grabbing his head and starts staring at me, being really dramatic," Yep that's what i thought you still likin what you see aint ya boo?", i looking down at my feet giggling but blushing. he grabs my face and tilt's it up, so i'm looking at him, "Azalee you OK, look i like you to but you know your daddy would kill me, so ill think about it", he gives me a small but meaningful peck on the lips. I turn to see my dad standing behind us, tears began gathering in my eyes,"Hi, daddy?".  

 He just stares at Dre, Dre looked at me confused, " Umm.... Hi king, I'm sorry", he manages to get out, my dad cracked a smile and looks at both of us again, "SORRY!!!, SORRY!!!, SORRY DOESN'T EVEN CUT IT!!!" i stand stile frozen,"MY BABY GOTTA BOYFRIEND, MY BABY GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!!, he began singing, i crack a smile and look at Dre who's on the verge of laughing himself. "look daddy, i'm not dating him, he actually has a question for you", my dads face melts, into a serous stern look, " what's up son?", dre clears him throat, "Sir May I date yo daughter?", my dads faces me, "Is this what you want baby girl?" i grin the biggest grin i have in a while and shook my head. my dad looks at me with tears in his eyes,"my baby's growing up on me, Soon she'll run the business when i'm dead and gone, and she'll have a strong man by her side", he pats Dre on the shoulder. 

2 months later - recap

Me and dre are still together and 3 more days and ill be 18, daddy has agreed to let me work with him until i'm on my feet and out his house. 

"Hey baby you wake", i turn over to see Dre laying beside me in nothing but boxers, "Am now" I say biting my lip. he smiles "good" he pulls me into a kiss, his tongue raiding my mouth, i pull away, " No", he smiles " i know baby i just wanted to see", i playfully slap his hand off my Ass causing him only to grip it harder, He looks at me with a playful, devilish smile, with in seconds he slapped my Ass hard, "mmmm..." i moan out, he grins, " you sure?". my mouth dropped open, "uggh... i told you i wanna wait till i'm 18, considering your 19, almost 20", he gapes at me and pecks me on the lips, " i know baby i listen to you, you know that right?",  i look down at my pillow tears silently rolling down my cheeks, "Ever since Jamal, i dont want to be just some sex object, i wanna be more than that, i wanna be your girlfriend.", i said looking at him, " oh baby..." he slides me up on his lap so im straddling him, " i Would never do you like that, i... i... I love you azalee." I push him back on the bed at Kiss him, " I love you too dre", he squeezes the air from my body then releases, we just lay there our breathing in syncs, just looking at each other.

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