Part 5

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Azalee P.O.V

its been three weeks since my "ATTACK". And well i lost my baby, its been hard for dre him not wanting me to work the game no more and my dad all he wants me to do is come back, so you can imagine how they are.

" Dre please its been 2 months since Jamal took me, and im ready to come back please, baby please?", i lean in to kiss him but he slides back. "Azalee no... please i'm scared for you, what if..." he pauses looking at me, tears swelled up in his eyes, "w-what if someone takes you again?, but what if they hurt you more?, what if they kill you?" he leaned into my chest and just cried onto me, soaking my shirt. 

Later on that night 

Dre still laying on me at least he wasn't crying anymore, "Babe?, i can tell you this, i will stay with you every moment im out, i will i promise you, i will... please let me come back.", i look at him still with his face nestled between my breast. " YES, FINE AZALEE IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT!!!" he rolls off me and onto his side of the bed, he began sobbing again, "Babe, please look at me please, im sorry, i just want nothing to change what has happened has happened, I-I just want to be with you as much as i used to, i hate being alone all day, i was taken from my home, all i want is to morn our babies death together, we haven't even talked about them, all i know is i'm tired of acting like there was nothing there, i felt them moving inside my body you cant just act like they weren't there and we weren't gonna be parents..." i turned over and started to cry, before i new it... i was going for the door, all of a sudden i was yanked back and fell into dre's arms, i started to squirm and try to get from his grip, "AZALEE STAY STILL PLEASE", i look up to see him crying, "Look i know we had babies, i already knew that i was so happy, then that bastard, H-he took them from us, i wish you would've just killed him, i wanted our kids so much... every night since we found out i  dreamed of playing with them, us having little you and little me running around and into our arms..." he looks at me waiting for my reaction, i started fumbling with the buttons on his shirt before i knew it i was on top of his, riding him like a horse, "Azalee mmmhn...  stop... wait dont stop... mmmhn", we both were a moaning mess. "Baby we can make another baby", i moan out.

I wake up in the morning to see dre was gone, his things were gone, only thing left was my things and on his pillow was a note.

Dear Azalee i'm leaving for a few days to get my head straight, im sorry to leave you out of no where but... i have to. Don't call me because i wont answer you, feel free to leave a message. There's business i have to attend to in Chicago, and i dont want you to follow me. Azalee Brook Kingston i love you i will be back please dont be mad at me, we will be back together soon.

And with that he was gone just left me.

1 Week Later

I've left a million messages, but no answer all i can do is lay in bed thinking... whats there to live for now? i walk over to my phone and try to call dre once more... straight to voice mail... " Hey dre this is azalee..." i said in a calm voice, " i miss you so much, to much, i wanted to say good bye, im gonna end all this pain, bye i love you Dre'ani, always have..." and with that i hung up the phone. i dug through my top drawer and got my gun cocked it back and raised it to my head, "Dre'ani i love you so much, always have and always will", as tears rolled down my cheeks, i put my finger to the trigger, BOOM!! the door flew open, "you stupid bitch!!!", the gun was slung from my hand and fired when it hit the wall. dre pulled me into a hug, "what the hell were you thinking? i said i was coming back for you, but no you couldn't wait for me huh?", all i could do was cry,and hug, and kiss his hands and his face i missed him so much, " im sorry, im so sorry i love you so much, never leave me again, please, p-p-please stay..." i sobbed into his chest, he picked me up onto his lap and laid on the bed. he leaned my head up and just looked at me, saw i was wearing the same clothes saw the bags under my eyes, " your okay, i promise, just never do that again, i was in the car on my way home and then i saw i had a new message the moment i heard it i almost died and i ran all the lights stop signs and everything hoping it wasn't to late to save you," i kissed his knowing i probably stunk, " babe..." he said pulling from the kiss, "Wanna take a shower, ya need one," he began to giggle.

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