Chapter 1 - twitter

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~tyler's POV ~

I was waiting In line at Taco Bell on a particularly busy day. I watched as the front of the line slowly progressed. Not able to take any more boredom, I pulled out my phone. Might as well check Twitter, right? As I was scrolling through my DM's (most of them sent by elated fans who I followed) I saw the farmiluar blue icon of a cute little Australian with his eyes covered by a coral smudge saying 'TRXYE' and my heart skipped a beat. Its been so long since I've heard from my little Aussie!

I immediately clicked on the new DM conversation. Troye's message read "Thinking of coming down and visiting in LA!! How about a collab? I know its last moment but I miss my Tilly!" I began to blush. I loved when he called me Tilly, no matter how childish it was. I immediately started typing as the line moved up again.

"My boo! Can't wait for a collab! When are you coming down? I'm completely available this whole week if ya need somewhere to stay! ;)" I clicked send and realized I was next in line. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and started to order. "I'll take a bean burrito and -" my phone made a beeping sound, signaling a new twitter DM. "Uh, that's all thanks." I quickly said pulling out my phone, startled by how soon he replied.

"Can't wait for #troyler to reunite! I'll be down this Tuesday and I can probably stay about a week. Are u sure this is OK, its so last minute..." I couldn't wait to see him! "Clearly babe, its fine! I just can't wait to see my Lil Aussie!" I loved saying flirty things like "babe" while texting troye. I reached out paying for my lunch and I walked back to my car, Only paying half attention to where I was going because I was texting troye to work out all of the details on which airport to pick him up at, etc.

~Troye's POV~

I lay in bed going through Tyler Oakley's tweets, which I find myself doing quite often. I was practically stalking him the way I was always reading any new tweets. I was gawking at his twitter profile picture and I got an idea... What if I could see him again? I mean in real life, not just virtually. I suddenly got excited as I sent him a cheeky DM. Usually I am a lot more of a thinker, but right now I was just making up the message as I went. Visiting LA? Where did this come from? Oh well. I have got a lot of money recently from the new TRXYE ep, so I surely had enough to fly out to Tilly! Ooh, sounds great! I'll call him Tilly in my message... He always seems to blush when I call him that.

I stifled a giggle at how flirty this message was. Usually I'm pretty shy but not today. Send... No going back now. Looks like I'm visiting LA. now. To my surprise he replied quickly. Ooh, he seems just as excited! It said, "My boo! Can't wait for a collab? when are you coming down?" Uh oh. When am I coming? Errrr.... Tuesday? According to Tyler's tweets he should be available this week. Although I suddenly became worried this was too last minute. Didn't wanna freak him out or anything. Just to double check, "are you sure this is OK? Its so last minute....." He immediately answered again and I felt the butterflies when he called me "babe" in his message. Oh, classic Tyler, always knows how to make me blush.

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