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Sunday had come quick and Haechan and Mark were on their date. "Why didn't you give me your phone number?" Mark asked the other boy. Haechan immediately tensed up at the question but Mark didn't notice. "Uh I don't have unlimited texting" Haechan lied. "Just have my Instagram. We can text on there". Mark nodded and took out his phone and handed it to Haechan. The said boy typed his username "Haechannie". Mark saw the boy type his name and chuckled, "That's cute" Haechan looked at him and smiled but what Mark said next caught him off guard, "but you're cuter" The younger male began to blush and averted his eyes. "Thanks" he replied while handing Mark's phone back to him.


The day was ending but Haechan didn't feel like leaving the amusement park. "Let's just go on the ferris wheel and then we can go home" Haechan kept whining as Mark was dragging him outside the amusement park. Before they could exit, Haechan withdrew his hand back, "You owe me Mark Lee". The said boy faced him and crossed his arms, "Owe you for what?" "For making me sad" Haechan pouted. He knew the older male couldn't resist when he pouted. "Fine. The ferris wheel but that's it" Mark sighed in defeat.

It was their turn to go on the ride so they sat down on the available seats. While the wheel was spinning around, Haechan smiled brightly for he could see the whole amusement park from above. "Stop doing that". Haechan looked at Mark and tilted his head, "Doing what?" "Looking so cute. You're making my heart explode" Haechan lightly punched Mark on his forearm and smiled. "You're making my heart explode Mark Lee". Haechan laid his head on Mark's shoulder while enjoying the ride. "I love you. Never forget that" Mark whispered softly while placing a kiss on Haechan's forehead. "I won't"

The ride had ended so Haechan was skipping happily to the exit. He turned around and noticed Mark wasn't with him. He started panicking and his eyes wandered around the place trying to spot Mark. He then felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist from behind. He instantly knew it was Mark and started internally panicking. The older male placed his head on the crook of Haechan's neck which made Haechan panic more. "I couldn't find you. I was worried. Don't scare me like that" the young male softly said. "I'm here now Haechannie. I'll always be here" Mark said in the same tone as the other which made Haechan get goosebumps all over his body. "Thank you Mark. I love you"

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