Chapter Thirty-Two

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Y/n's pov

Masky kept his arm wrapped around me as we walked. "I was thinking a hit and run?" I spoke as I looked down and started playing with my fingers. Hit and runs are a past time game I used to play with Toby. It's when we would call the police from a pay phone telling them who and where we were then waiting till we could see the police lights. Then take off in different directions seeing who can get away the fastest.

He pulled down his mask. “Yeah, t-that sounds fun.” He said in a much cheerful tone.

~time skip~

We approached the payphone pulling down our masks and nodding at each other. Masky took a deep than picked up the phone, dialing 911. He waited a few seconds of ringing before a faint “911 what's your emergency?” Was heard on the other end of the phone. “Heh, my names Masky.” He snarled in a demonic tone. “And I'm here with a few friends.” The voice on the other end became tenser “Sir where is your location.” She demanded. “Oh…” he drawled. “Harrison street, see you here.” He said placing the phone back in its place hanging up.

We all laughed and high fived. We waited a few minutes but as the sound of sirens approached we all straightened up and glanced at each other. Three police cars came rushing around the corner, we took off like bullets towards the cars making them screech to a stop. We shot past the cars and into the woods. We heard shouts and car doors slamming. After a few minutes, we came to a stop. “Plans?” I said looking up at them. “Uh. Trees?” Kate suggested in a hurried tone as the sound of footsteps heard closer to us. We nodded and scurried up the nearest trees. Kate and Maksy sat in one while Toby and me crouched in the other.

After a few minutes, the six cops trotted under the trees and looked around panting. “Where’d they go?” They all mumbled to each other. We all looked up and nodded at each other. “Hey, fucknut!” Masky crackled jumping down. Kate and I followed suit while Toby stayed in the tree. We created a triangle of sorts with Masky in front. The cops froze and locked eyes with us. We split and walked forward cornering the six. Making them pull out their guns and point them at us threateningly. Toby took his opportunity and jumped down grabbing the barrel of two of the guns, pulling them from their grips. Me, Kate, and Masky took this chance to rush the others while they were flustered. We smiled at the now defenseless law enforcement.

After a bit of brawling, they laid in a small heap. We sat down and caught our breath making small jokes now and again. Until we heard a small voice emanate from the cops small walkie-talkie.

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