Chapter 5

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Yongsun's POV

Somehow, though all the hardship and bullshit and pain I've faced in my life, I never expected to be forced to join a gang. Becoming a police officer was already a surprising twist enough, but to transition from a cop to a gang member is just... frankly unbelievable. I don't want to believe it.

I sit behind the desk in the small office that I'd earned after a few years of service and nurse a mug of coffee to keep me conscious. Blessedly, I'm not on patrol duty and tonight happens to be paperwork night where I don't have to interact with Derek and can file reports in peace. I passed his office earlier to check in and he only offered me a frown in return.

The resignation letter that Wheein had drafted up for me sits on the edge of my desk with the sheriff's name scrawled on the envelope containing it. I don't want to give it to her. It feels like a death sentence. After I turn it in there only remains two weeks until I'm under the full-time jurisdiction of the Crescent Clan and their insufferable boss.

I scowl at the thought of her mocking smirks at my pain. Even Hyejin in all her infancy still had the nerve to mock me. There are worse things to worry about than smirks and come-ons though. No matter how infuriating my new "family" already seems to be there seems to be no escaping them.

A shadow falls over my desk and I glance up in annoyance to find the sheriff hovering over me. I immediately stand from my chair, but her dark gaze lies on the white envelope on my desk's corner. She picks it up and her gaze finds me again.

I clear my throat, "Ma'am, I was going to give that to you later-"

"I expected your resignation on my desk first thing this evening." She says quietly, eyes flashing and with what almost sounds like warning in her voice. "When you're asked to do something, don't hesitate Miss Kim."

I barely contain my shock as I blink in confusion. "Excuse me?"

But she's already gone, leaving me with more questions than anything else. I sit back down in my chair, reeling. The sheriff? The sheriff works for them too?

All too soon, Derek comes pounding at my door, apparently having heard the news of my resignation already. Blue eyes bright in alarm, he slips in without my welcome and closes the door behind him.

"You're quitting?!" He whisper-yells as he strides over to the front of my desk.

I eye him wearily and glance at the clock reading half-past two. "Good morning to you too, Crowley."

"Why? Is it that argument we had the other day?"

"It's nothing to do with you." Like I'd ever quit my job because of him. "Something's come up."

Derek appears to relax a bit, slouching into my padded chair. With his golden-brown roused out of his usual slicked-back, businessman style and the angular lines of his jaw and cheeks, he's almost attractive. Perhaps, being around a gang boss lessens his assholery a few levels in comparison. That is, until he opens his mouth again.

"I never got to meet your girlfriend." He mutters in an offhand fashion, but the smirk on his face reveals his true intentions.

"It's a pity." I say, training my eyes back onto my computer so he can see that I'm busy. "And not a work conversation."

Derek sighs with Broadway-level dramatism. "Hang on. We should meet up before your two weeks run up. Double date with my girlfriend. How about it?"

"She's busy that day."

"What day?"

"All the days."

Silence and then a soft chuckle. "Okay. Wait 'til the whole office gets word of your imaginary girlfriend." My cheeks flush as I turn to glare at his smug face. "Oh god, I would be so embarrassed to bear that for even a week, let alone-"

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