1st Bite

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Not an update. I just want to say something.

Momo is an Alpha here even though she's a vampire. In this case, an Alpha is defined as the strongest vampire/ creature in their generation.

That will be all. You can start reading now. Ciao~




"Ah! I'm so fucking hungry!"

"Shut up, Momo! You're not the only one starving here." Sana said while glaring at me

"Then why are we here? Shouldn't we hunt for food? It's been three days!"

Mina sighed heavily, "Yeah. It's also been three days since the government ordered everyone to lock up until the coast is clear."

I closed my eyes as my stomach starts growling. It's a bad feeling though. Like your stomach is already eating itself.

"We should be careful. The government and the people had enough with the increase of their death population. They tightened their security and every house in the neighborhood is already installed with vampire-proof devices"

I groaned in pain and hold my aching stomach. My eyes are pitch-black and my skin is getting paler day by day. It's the same as Sana and Mina though. We need food as soon as possible or else we'll die from hunger.

"Can't we hunt for food tonight in the forest?"

Both girls went silent. I know that they will not refuse. I secretly smirked and Mina looked at me with a determined expression.

"Okay. I will stay here and guard our hideout."

Sana and I nodded to each other and began to prepare for later.

I can't wait for the blood that I have been waiting for a long time.


Sana and I are currently sneaking behind the deer. In the middle of the night, it's nice to have a snack and that 'snack' would be this deer here.

I just realized that I'm drooling so I wiped my saliva and get ready for the attack. A few seconds later, we jumped at the deer. My claws grabbed the deer as well as Sana's. We simply killed it and went home.

But along the way, I saw another deer. I couldn't resist the desire to capture the deer. It could feed us for the next three days.

"Momo unnie, we should get going now!" Sana whispered but I ignored her

I pounced at the deer but suddenly I bumped into another vampire. The deer ran away from us and I growled in anger. I shook my head and faced the vampire. His eyes are glowing bright red. He must've been eating a lot, eh?

"Momo! Let's go!"

I gritted my teeth and my claws began to grow longer. He looked so scared at me and that's because I'm an Alpha. Even though my appearance doesn't look like one, vampires could smell anyone's scent. I can smell that he is a normal vampire.

I growled and he ran away. I sighed heavily. That deer was mine. I should've smelled him and vice versa. Weird. Maybe because we were busy with the food in front of us earlier.

Sana and I went back. She scolded me on the way back but all I could think of is the deer that Sana is carrying. The moment we got home is when we drink the deer's blood until it was all out.

I looked at the mirror. The color of my eyes are back. My hazel-colored eyes compliments my fair skin. I didn't mind the blood around my mouth and on my shirt. I can feel my powers surging through my veins. My sense of sight and smell became intense and sensitive.

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