Chapter 3.

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Can returned home when he knew school had ended. Can was greeted by a angry faced mother, she quickly explained about what she heard happen. Can was explained that Tin blamed Can for smacking him, Can thought, "That little brat pinned me." was all Can could think.

Can's emotions were caught up and he started crying, for seriously no reason. Mrs. Can then let sadness hit her and she consumed her son in a hug, holding him tight against her chest. Can couldn't understand why he was crying.

"Shh, its okay, honey," Mrs. Can softly spoke to her balling son, "mae, why am I crying?" Can asked throw sobs, Mrs. Can hushed him, "maybe because your pregnant, babies can do that to you, make you all emotional and push you over whenever something non sad happens," Mrs. Can stated softly, all she heard in reply was "mhm"

Can shot his eyes open and stared at Mrs. Can, "how'd you know?" He asked, Mrs. Can shrugged, "Tin, he came by earlier, looked more furious then a lion when he cannot catch his prey," Mrs. Can exclaimed, Can got that pun joke.

"So, how long?" Mrs. Can asked, Can understood, "only two weeks, I was planning on telling you when a larger bump became, but y'know, kinda to late to spill now." Can jokingly stated, wiping his tears and sucking in air through his now stuffy nose.

"Why won't you let Tin in his or her life?" Mrs. Can softly asked, Can groaed, confusing Mrs. Can, "sorry eomma, I've just heard that all day, he said before we did anything, he does not want a baby nor would he even try and help to raise one," Can replied, remembering Tin's sorta harsh words, Mrs. Can understood and nodded.

"He also told me I'd never manage on my own with this baby and that he'll take him or her away," Can remembered that too, Mrs. Can scoffed and hissed, she was now ready to beat some Tin butt.

"Don't listen to him, baby, he's stupid and doesn't know how you are," Mrs. Can stated, mad at Tin. Can shrugged and walked over to the couch, he slumped down on it and turned on the TV, trying to forget Tin. Mrs. Can seemed to understand, so she walked away and started baking some cookies.

When the cookies got done, she brought them to Can, who fastly swallowed them down, leaving a laughing Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Kim gave him more and more until he was full and almost felt like vomiting.

"Imma be sick," Can spoke, Mrs. Can laughed hard, "that's what you get for eating fifteen cookies," she jokingly replied, making Can laugh.

-meanwhile at Tin's-

"I just hate him so much, how could he do this, and to me?!" Tin complained to Pete, whom was mad at Can to, but felt the little ping of sadness to him. Pete sighed, he spaced out awhile ago, "but Tin, look at his side, he's the one pregnant, not you," Pete tried to defend the younger, but Tin continued on.

"No, I'm not gonna, he's being mean and keeping me for seeing my baby!" Tin spat, Pete sighed, "babe, listen, Can can do whatever he wants, he's the one pregnant, but he's also in the wrong from keeping the baby from you, but you also hurt him in more ways then he hurt you, and yes, I heard you scream at him that he'll never be able to raise a baby." Pete said, making sure Tin remembered his harsh words, and oh he did.

And yes, you heard right, babe. Tin hooked back up with Pete, his ex. Pete cared much for Tin, but Tin didn't care much for him, he just didn't wanna feel lonely. And Pete slightly helped.

"I know what I said, and I mean it, he'll never be able to raise it by himself." Tin spat, making Pete a tad bit angry, but Pete kept his trap closed and all he did was space out again, only listen in every now and then.

"I'm just- I'm trying, Pete, I mean, I really wanna be in our child's life.." Tin spoke sadly, Pete heard that and sighed, he was gonna talk to Can for Tin, no if, ands, or buts.

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