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Kobayashi's been walking for a good 20 minutes now. It's a nice chilly morning, people are wearing scarfs, gloves, boots and all the like to keep warm. The sky is covered with clouds giving a softly dark tone to make the atmosphere better.
She eventually passes by the shopping district and thinks 'why not?' Before starting to head through. The entire place is decorated with lights and cool little Christmas trees. Everyone is interacting happily, there's a lot of talk going around.
There's a store which seems to have a lot of chocolates in the window, but there's someone leaning over face right up against the glass. If Kobayashi is right, she knows who that is.
She walks up slowly looking at the chocolates for a moment "hello Elma" Elma jumps and makes a little screech, going into a defensive stance. She lowers and blushes a bit realising she looked stupid "hi Kobayashi" " looking at the chocolate" "yeah but I have no money... and it looks so tasty" she drools a bit "Well..." Kobayashi says "I'll be getting some anyway" she decides
She thinks it's a nice way to repay Tohru for the gift. Kobayashi walks into the store and up to the woman at the register. "What would you like today?" The woman asks with a cheery expression "ummm... that type of chocolate, I don't know what it's called" she points to some chocolate "sure! How many bags of it would you like?" Kobayashi thinks about that question for a second. She turns around and looks at Elma who's still entranced by the chocolates then looks back
"I'll take three bags please" Kobayashi decides  "that will be $9 please"  she gets the amount of money needed and passes it to the lady, which exchanges for the chocolate "thank you!" Kobayashi exclaims "have a great Christmas"
Kobayashi leaves the store and slowly walks up to Elma. She pats Elmas shoulder to get her attention. Elma looks over to her quizzically.
"Merry Christmas" she hands out a bag of chocolate. Elma's eyes light up and she gladly takes it "thank you thank you thank you!" Elma says jumping up and down. She runs off the direction Kobayashi came from.
Tohru is sitting on the couch, waiting for something to be done. She's watching something on the tv. A woman is slapping teddy bear screaming that it disobeyed her. Tohru looks so confused at this. Kanna opens the door to come out "good morning Toh-" she sees the television and slowly closes the door going back in the room.
*bing* "Oh! Time to continue" Tohru says skipping into the kitchen.

I hope you enjoyed this long part

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