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➳ affected by the starlight

➳ so beautiful

the movie kept playing, but only one of the two boys was paying attention.

shoveling popcorn into his mouth, eyes wide, sat HWANG HYUNJIN, fantasy movie addict. there was no way he'd ever pass up the opportunity to go and see the second fantastic beasts movie, especially not if his boyfriend came with him.

said boyfriend was the one not paying attention. SEO CHANGBIN wasn't upset about missing the movie - he was more of a horror guy. no, he'd chosen to ignore the movie. instead of staring at the big screen, he stared at hyunjin.

the youngest didn't notice the gaze fixed on him, being totally transfixed with the fast-paced blockbuster. any lights that had been on during the ads had been turned dimmed to fit the mood. despite the lighting, the hybrid's eyes shone. changbin knew that look well - when his eyebrows tilted upwards and his eyes seemed to glitter and his mouth opened the tiniest bit.

that was the look that the human treasured the most. when hyunjin nailed a dance move or performed, that was the look in his eyes, complimented by a smile. when he saw something magical like snow or light displays, that was the look in his eyes, almost a look of awe. when he did something he loved, like watching fantastic beasts 2 in the cinema with his new boyfriend and a bucket of heavily salted popcorn, that was the look in his eyes.

it was a look of love.

and that's why he lost the ability to speak whenever hyunjin looked at him like that.

because all those stars in his eyes were suddenly all for him.

[ ➳ ]

'oh, god, i'm dizzy.'

his non-human friend turned fast enough to get whiplash. he bent down slightly and started blabbering. 'are you okay? do i need to get an ambulance? what's wrong? did you hit your head? you have low blood pressure, right?'

changbin waved him away. 'i'm fine. i get a bit wobbly and weird after watching movies in the cinema because i've been sitting still for a really long time. it's just a bit weird to walk.'

without saying a word, he hoisted the shorter boy up and placed him on his shoulders effortlessly. he shrieked, grabbing onto hyunjin's horns for dear life. people were staring, but the younger just chuckled.

'see? now you don't have to walk.' his wings unfolded and wrapped themselves protectively around his boyfriend, holding him in place so he didn't fall. 'have fun being taller than me,' he teased. 'it won't last.'

'hey! i'll outgrow you one day!' he yelled indignantly, pinching hyunjin on the neck. the other just rolled his eyes.

changbin started to play with the feathers on his boyfriend's wings, until the latter made a sound that sounded suspiciously like a moan and swatted his hands away. 'fuck- stop, they're sensitive.'

[ ➳ ]

the greeting neither of the two were expecting was the greeting both got when they arrived at LEE FELIX's house. since it was the weekend and none of them had any study to do, they were all heading to the mall to window-shop for things (they wouldn't buy anything, of course, they're broke high school students).

changbin, having recovered from his dizzy spell, was walking down lee felix's driveway, not perched atop hyunjin's shoulders. the dryad was walking towards the hyunbin couple.

he stopped in front of them, and opened his mouth.

changbin couldn't believe how deep his voice was. compared to felix's, his voice sounded like a fairy's.

hyunjin's heart melted a little bit when he heard his accent. he'd known the non-human was foreign, but his australian accent was so cute.

'uh, h- i mean, uh, hi.'

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