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➳ but i still

➳ want you

my first thought is that YANG JEONGIN is probably too young and angelic for a party like this. my second and final thought (yes, that's right, i'm not doing any more thinking after this) is that it's the end of the school year; who fucking cares. of course there's no alcohol. we're responsible parents. but there is music loud enough to make you a bit deaf.

it's just us. the squad. being noisy and rowdy and stupid and ourselves. HAN JISUNG and his heart-eyed boyfriend are baking cookies and making out. that's true talent, right there. what funky little multitaskers. KIM WOOJIN, fraught with nerves and adrenaline after making his dux speech no more than an hour earlier, has started a game of monopoly with BANG CHAN and the energetic youngsters. of course, i avoid the game. i'm not in the mood to get disowned today. 

something about it being the last day of our last school year makes me incredibly nostalgic and fond of this bunch of idiots i've landed myself with. maybe it's because they're more of a family than my parents have ever been. maybe it's because they taught me how to survive in a world that's out to get me. maybe it's because our futures are uncertain, one path splitting into nine. 

LEE FELIX is playing with my hair absent-mindedly and chatting animatedly to HWANG HYUNJIN about his new pot plant. all i know is that in this one blissful moment, i am completely and irrevocably happy.


a/n 260719 :: wow. okay. so this is,, over. sorry i procrastinated writing this for so long!! its just that its my baby and i didn't want it to end. also this is lowkey cheesy but just know that i trIED to tone down the cheese in editing so pls dont be mad 

wow okay im ?? overwhelmed ?? what is this feeling ?? accomplishment? ?i have done something with my life ! happy chemicals! 

okay goodbye i need to shut up-

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