Chapter 15

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Sam landed the shuttle a good distance away from the city walls, allowing them a nice long stroll back. Sam felt calm and serene as they made their way through the sparse woods. He knew it couldn't last, of course; assignments, as a rule, did not end calmly. Getting laid, having a swim in a beautiful river, and just having Kias along with him for company had him feeling more relaxed than he could remember being in a long time, though.


It was nearing dinner time by the time they got back and they'd only had a small lunch, but Kias was exhausted and this time sleep won out. They'd only gone upstairs for a moment so that they could put the oil away and Sam could change his shoes before they ate. By the time he'd removed his shoes, found his other pair, and put them on, he'd turned around to find Kias curled up on the bed, asleep.


Sam chuckled and smiled fondly at Kias' sleeping form. In sleep, he looked as vulnerable as he had when they’d first met. Just a boy on the verge of manhood.


Sam gently tugged Kias’ shoes off, careful not to wake him. Such physical exertion wasn't something Kias was used to, Sam had to remind himself. Sam really ought to have made a greater effort to get Kias in shape before taking him on this assignment, but they really hadn't had much preparation time. At least he wasn't so skinny that hugging him meant risking getting stabbed by his unreasonably sharp and insufficiently padded bones anymore.


Kias would be hungry when he woke up, though, and Sam was already plenty hungry right then, so he decided to go down and get some food and bring it back up. It would probably be a better idea anyway. Even if Kias woke up he would be tired, and it would be easier on him if he didn't have to go downstairs and get into his role again. Sam lowered the lantern's light and left the room.


There was nobody in the lounge area when Sam passed through, giving him hope that it was too early for Kalem to be down yet. His hope was dashed when he opened the door to the tavern and his eyes immediately fell on Kalem where he sat at a table not far from the door. Seba was with him.


Sam genuinely considered just turning around and heading back up to their room, perhaps taking a nap with Kias and trying again later. But that would have been cowardly, and besides, Seba had already spotted him. Seba watched impassively as Sam lingered in the doorway until finally Sam let out a long sigh and headed into the tavern.


Keeping his eyes straight ahead, Sam entered the tavern, hoping he wouldn't be noticed. Last he'd seen, Kalem had had his chair turned to speak with a man at a nearby table. It was too much to hope for, though. He was a few steps away from the bar when he heard Kalem's voice. "Samuel!"


Sam paused in his approach to the bar and grit his teeth before forcing a polite smile onto his face and turning around. "Kalem."


"Sit with me a while?" Kalem was clearly less inebriated than he'd been the previous night, probably because it was still quite early, but Sam suspected it wouldn't make him much less of an asshole.


Sam considered declining, and likely would have if he wasn't still interested in using the guy's servant as a guide. "For a while. I have to bring Kias his dinner soon."

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