Chapter One

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"Kira!" My mother calls from downstairs, and I cringe. Slowly I rise from where I was sitting, and a feeling of horror overcomes me. I open my bedroom door, and walk down the stairs regretfully.

I know something bad is going to happen, I can feel it. Shes going to do something to me, I know she will. I walk into the living room, where my petite mother sits on the couch. "You called mother." I say, and try not to sound scared.

"Kira." She says distantly, and stares off into space. Shes been like this ever since my dad left us when I was four. She hardly pays attention to me, and I've had to take care of myself without her. "I don't want you to live here anymore." She says, almost disgustedly. Her fists clench and unclench, and she looks mad. "I can't have you living here anymore. You've caused too much trouble." She spits out the words through gritted teeth.

I look at her shocked, and try to calm my temper. I have done so much for this woman, and she has never given me anything in return. I have cooked almost every meal ever since I was nine. I've listened to her every order, I've been a perfect child, but she still can't look past my curse. "That's bullshit." I spit at her, and try to keep myself from laughing. "I've done everything you've told me to do, I have never once acted out. How have I caused trouble?"

She continues to look out into space and completely ignores my question. Her watered down steel grey eyes stare into a void of nothing, determined not to look at me. "Answer me!" I yell at her in an outburst of anger. "Goddamn it, answer me! How have I been such a burden to you that you can't have me living here anymore?" I yell hoping my words reach out to her.

"Just leave." She says, more sternly. I recoil away from her, and stare at her in anguish. "Pack your things and leave. I don't want you here, you've caused too much trouble." Her fists shake, and I flinch away from her. "You and your damn curse are the reason he left. If you hadn't been born he would still be hear! I tried to love you despite that, but I can't pretend anymore! Just leave." Her words are harsh, and leave wounds.

"Fine." I say, and turn away from her. "You were never a good mother, I'd be better off without you." Before she can react, I run up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door behind me.

I grab my backpack, and in an angry haze, I shove all my crap into it. Forcefully I zip it up, and put it on my back. I look around my room before I leave. I should do something before I leave, I should make sure she knows how much I despise her. I could break everything in the room, but what good would that do, she wouldn't care, it's just a childish thought. Forget it.

I walk out of my room for the last time, slamming the door so hard it nearly breaks. I run down the stairs, and into the living room. I take one last look at the pathetic woman on the couch who calls herself my mother, and I walk out of the house for the last time.

For a while I wander down the filthy streets of the city, not knowing where I'm supposed to go. I don't have any friends that I can stay with, and I don't know anyone around here well enough to stay with them. Well there is the Sohma family estate, but there's no way in hell I'd go there. If Akito were to see me, he'd lock me in the cats room for the rest of my life. It's bad enough I have to see that dreadful man once every year there's no way I would ever go there on purpose.

I continue to walk down the cold damp streets of the city, feeling small, weak, and pathetic. I have no where to go, no money, and no food. If I don't find somewhere to stay soon, I'm screwed. If it weren't for this Goddamn curse I wouldn't be in this situation.

I barely remember my dad, but I know I'm the reason he left us. I'm the reason he left, and that's why my older sister, and my mom hate me. My sister can barely stand looking at me, and my mom well she lived with me for a long time, but I guess her hatred finally got the best of her. If only I had been normal, then none of this would be happening, and I would be living a happy life.

I snap out of my thoughts, only to see that I've wandered into a forest. The sun is setting, and if I don't find somewhere soon it's going to be dark. My legs are starting to get tired, and I can feel the exhaustion starting to set in. If I don't rest soon I'm going to turn into a cat, then I'm really screwed.

This curse is so damn inconvenient. I can't have a proper relationship because if I hug a boy, I'll turn into a cat. I can't get too tired otherwise I'll turn into a cat. If I get sick I'll turn into a cat. Oh and don't even get me started about the damn bracelet. The bracket breaks, I turn into a grotesque monster. The bracelet falls off, I turn into a grotesque monster. And no one can find out about this curse ever, otherwise it's isolation for me. I really hate living like this.

It's dark now, and I have no idea where I am. I'm totally lost in this god forsaken forest, and I'm on the verge of fainting. I stop walking, and sit down against a tree. I bring my knees up to my chest, and try to hold back the tears. My eyes are stinging, but I refuse to cry. Eventually sleep overcomes me, and I couldn't be more thankful.

*A/N: So this is my second time trying to write this fanfiction. I didn't like my original idea, and decided to scrap it, instead I came up with this, and I think I'm liking it a lot better. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, sorry it's so short.*

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fruits Basket in any way, and I never will. The only things I own, are my ideas, and my characters. And also I found the cover picture on google, so credit goes to whoever it belongs to.

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