Chapter 2

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Harry POV

One hour! I told her to come back in one hour and she's still not here. I look at Perrie's slumped body on the bed, her puffy eyes still vividly showing. They took her daughter. First her husband and now her daughter. I just want to get them back so much. I frantically look at the clock , midnight. It has been exactly one hour since i left Elise.

I looked at the door expecting it to open but it never did. I grab my jacket and hed out once again exhausted.

"Where are you going?" I turn round and see Liam at the door. He must have wounded his leg because he limped towards me.

" Elise isn't back yet." I say with a dry voice.

" I can come with you." And with that me and Li started walking towards the cave. It was silent atfirst both of us lost for words after the fight and the loss of our neice. However everything stopped when we heard a scream. Elise's high pitched scream echoed through the forest.

No words had to be said we just ran. I arrived first. I saw my sister on the floor with her hand around her right shoulder, her face twisted in agony. I was about to rush at the boy impinging on her but then i saw that he was looking at another Savage. They were arguing. One of them in front of my sister, the other seemed to be aiming for another shot at her.

" Stop Lou! She didn't hurt me." The blonde guy kept on repeating looking at the one with the devil eyes. By this time Li cUght yp to me and handed me one of his daggers. Ae were well hid behind the bushes but i couldn't let my sister suffer in pain. I guess Li felt the same way because before we lefthe mumbled "Just get her and go! Got it?" I nodded knowing that both i and him are too weak to fight.

We sprint at her and try to lift her up. A dagger whizzes past my ear slightly cutting my earlobe i look at the blnde guy in front of us. He was still protecting her but this time he was in position to fight. If they are both Savages they can never kill one another only harm , its like their sCred rule. I remember my dad mentioned it when he started teaching me how to fight.

The other guy tries another dagger aiming at her leg but the blonde guy caught it just in time and threw it at the ground.

"Get out of my way Niall!" The other saud through fritted teeth. But hedidn't even bulge and it wasn't till we had a good grip on El and rushed her out of their till i heard a thud on the ground and the words

" What was that all about?"

But i blocked it and focused on carrying my sister back home.

Niall POV:

I felt his heavy body on mine as he shouted "What was that all about?". I try to lift him off of me but i couldn't strandle him.

" She healed me Lou. She helped me."

" She's a Healer. All Healers need to be killed eventually by us. We got the baby. Zayn grabbed it from the mother herself before sourting her cheek and running away with it." He grinned getting offof me and pulling me up.

"He killed the mother?"

"No Zayn's still too good to kill but he did make her cry harder. Anyways dad's happy said this is the first step to rule the world. I just wish you were with us Ni. He would have congratulated you on almost killing the Chief of the Healer's daughter." He said patting me on the back as we head home at the other side of the forest. I simply nodded promising myself i will bever tell my brother thT killing Elise wasn't somthing i wanted to do. She spoke differently than the other Nealers plus there has never been a Healer that helped a Savage since the two tribes were born.

We finally make our way home and i cN immediatly hear the loud music, the clinks of of glasses filled to the rim with wine and beer and

I could also smell the burnt tobacco. I make my way to my room ignoring the invitations to a dance or to a pint of beer. I just wanted to rest i wanted toignore the faxt that a little baby was trapped somewhere in here screaming for her mother. I also wanted to ignore the hazelnut eyes that shone in the moonlight and locked with mine. But as i close my eyes i see them, staring at me with tears streaming down from it's. corners and i knew that i will protect those two eyes from ever sheddinga tear again.

Okay so basically this is the second chapter. I know its not that good but i had to introduce certain charactrs. Ok can you pls comment and tell me what do you think about it. Thanks loves xxxx

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