So here you are, reading this book? Wondering why I called this "Free Hate". Well, this book is about me ranting about random stuff that pisses me off.
It would be your loss and choice if you want to read this. I don't actually care if you would.
Okay, so back to the topic...
I'm sure most of you would be like "Yehey, it's summer. Finally!"...
You see, rather than having a fun time at home and going to the cold, cool pool like most of you, I have classes. Freaking stressful classes where your head blows off and the person beside you is like, "Call 911, SOMEONE BLEW A FUSE!"
But they can't do anything because your teacher was like "Let her seat down, she's gonna be fine..."
I mean come on! Someone blew a fuse and you're just gonna sit there, RELAXED! Well fuck you.
I know I'm over reacting but hey, this was the reason why this book was called "Free Hate". This was where I cool my ass off and at the same time, give free hate to all of you.
Good Bargain, right?
Honestly, I would just suck all the stress in and let it all out on my teddy bear. My poor beaten up teddy bear. But there are just some things that my ass can't take.
What I really hate about summer was a field trip where my class went to this soccer game. I know that it was hot and humid outside since the soccer field was an out-door court but I needed the extra points for my grade
I just told myself "Hey, just a few minutes in the burning heat wouldn't hurt."
Then regreted it once I sat down on the bleachers.
My friends and I just sat there for a few seconds then, BAM! I was sweating bullets.
The stadium also had freaking tight rules. Do you want to know what the rules are? You have to anyway because you don't have a choice. So there are tons of rules that I can take and shove up my ass but there was this one rule that just pisses the shit out of me off. That would be...
Water bottles weren't allowed? Well now you know.
We were all there in a hot place and having a water bottle is illegal. Having students faint of lack of water is illegal! Not bringing water bottles.
I swear, people in my school were like talking in school about students that fainted that day. They freaking fainted!
I would have also fainted if it wasn't for the huge ass fan that my teacher brought for emergencies like that day. I now thank that fan for saving me. I have to find a way to repay it.
Maybe I should clean its cloth...
Nah. I'm too lazy.
Remember when I said that after a few seconds, we were sweating bullets. Well, we had to stay on that freaking hot place for 4 more hours.
4 more Freaking Hours!
Not even the Human Torch can live in that heat for that long.
Yes, I watch Fantastic Four....
Any problem with that!
I also have this freaking problem of being overly active in school. I love joining clubs but I just hate the part where the teacher forces you to do stuff you hate.
I never get time to relax my tired ass. I barely get sleep every night because of the damn projects and homeworks the teacher bombards me with.
They like have a subject for Health but they are the sole reason on why we students are getting UNhealthy. Like what the hell is with that!
I have this classmate who drinks coffee everyday at her young age and whenever the coffee runs out, she just snaps at anything and anyone. She even made someone cry because she couldn't take kind suggestions calmly.
And she's just 12! That's just illegal. Scratch that, the teacher's are illegal!
Ok, since I kinda cooled off already. Imma just go and end this chapter with,