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Hey so I noticed I had a lot of errors in my first chapter, and wanted to say sorry but you get the gist.

I'll do better on this one

Bokugo's Pov

"Yo Bokubro!"

I hear from the other side of the class from none other than shitty hair.

"What do you want shitty hair" I say with an annoyed tone as glare at the walking over Kirishima.

"You don't need to be so mean" he says as he leans on the side of my desk and folds his arms. If anyone else did this they'd be dead.

"So what is it?" I ask , even though it's normal for him to come and bother me but he's being a tad bit quite compared to normal.

"I'm just worried that I'll fail our midterm" he says as he glances at me through the corner of his eye.

"You better fucking not" I say as I think for a moment then befor he could answer I say "come over to my house on Friday, I'll help you studie"

"Wait seriously?!" His expression went from a bit gloomy to more happy than a fat kid in a candy store. It made me happy to know he's not down anymore and I made him happy no one else.

"Yeah, why would I lie? And it's not like you haven't been over befor" I say casually.

"Can I sleep over?" He asks as he looks down and me and I give him this confused look saying why. "Well my parents are ganna be out of town and I don't want to be alone the whole weekend" he says as he looks up then back at me with his big smile.

"Whatever shitty hair" damn I love his smile. And to be honest it's ganna be nice to have the company considering I'll be alone the weekend too.

"Cool!" Shitty hair say as he pumps a fist in the hair and smiles wide showing all his teeth in the process.

Time skip to Friday morning

Kirishima's Pov

'I hope were still up for today. He better get hear fast so I can make sure'

Seri started walking over waving his hand so I waved and smiled.

"Yo Kiri!" Sero said as he leaned on my desk and looked down at me.

"Yo what's up!" I smiled more and watched as Kaminari walked in talking with Jiro. Sero would usaly fallow but this time he dident. Or Kaminari would come over but that didn't happen either.

"So, I've been thinking, we haven't hung out outside of school in like a week, so I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come over after school or something"

Bokugo Pov

'I started walking in just as weird elbows asked Shitty hair to come over. Shitty hair better say no we already made plans'

I stayed to where I could hear but they couldn't see me.

' Why am I getting jealous?!'

"Umm I made plans with Bokugo, but maybe I can get him to come over after school with me for a little bit, but if he says no I'll have to say no" shitty hair said and that's when I divided to walk in.

" shitty hair, you're comingover because you have study, were not going over to goof off" I walked over to his desk glaring.

"We don't have to study the whole time, I just need a little help" Kiri said as he stood up and walked over to me a little with his hand out in defence.

"I'll decide that once I'm helping you" I said with a snarl to my tone.

"We can't even go for a little?" Kiri asked as we had slowly started to migrate over to my desk.

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