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Hey so this will be a Kaminari x Sero I
I hope you like it.
Btw they will be using their first names for the most part.
Denki's pov

"Hanta, I'm bored. I've been over all day and all we've done is play games" I whine as I slumped myself on top of my best friend.

"Well then what would you like to do" Hanta said as he put his hand on top of my arm.

"You" I said then laughed at my own joke. Then sat up and placed my head on his shoulder.

"That's a little gay Denki" Hanta said as he laughed with me, the thing is that joke was only half a joke.

"Yo we should go clubbing!!" I say quite loudly as I stood up fast pulling Hanta with me as I stood up.

"Dude you always get so drunk that you set off your quirk" Hanta said as he gave me a funny look.

"Shutup no I don't" I say folding my arms

"You know I'm right" Hanta said with his stupid smirk he always has plastered on his stupidly beautiful face.

"Ugh well if you don't want to go out can we take some shots then" I say as fall onto Hanta's bed with a thud. I look up and then I feel a weight grow on my chest and look down to see Hanta now laying on top of me.

"It's almost midnight, we'll have a drink then go to bed so what's the point" Hanta says groaning as he roles about 3/4 off of me.

"You just don't want me to have fun" I say as I pout and push him the rest of the way off me. Before I knew it he was back on top of me tickling my sides, making me laugh and thrash around.

"Hanta s...stop" I say between laughs as I go to retch for his side's to tickle him back but before I could he used his quirk to tape my wrists together. I started to thrash around as I laughed.

" quirks!" I say loudly as he started to tickle my inner thighs where I'm most ticklish, but also where I'm very sensitive. I could feel my body start to tingle as the guy I liked was starting to touch where I'm oh so sensitive. As he did my breathing got heavier, I was laughing but I also was trying to hide the fact that his touches where making me a little excited in my downstairs region. I was straining to get my body to not make any noises or movements I'd regret, but then Hanta just stopped. I was confused.

"Hanta?" Almost right as I said that I felt his hand move from my inner thigh to my member with one quick movement. I through my head back and let out a soft moan. I grab onto one of his thighs with both hand because his tape still had my wrists bounded together. My cheeks had become a shade of red as I started to feel him massage my member through my pants. As he did so I let out a soft moan and threw my head back. Almost right after I did that I felt soft lips being pressed up against my neck.

Hanta's pov

'Damn he's so cute when he's flustered' I smirk to myself and softly bite down onto his neck getting a small gasp and moan from the small blond beneath me. I could feel my pants tighten as the situation started to get more heated.

No one pov

Hanta started to massage Denki's member as well as he started to leave hickeys on the pale soft skin of Denki's neck.

"H...ha...hanta" Denki said with a moan as he tried to break free from the super sticky tape that bond his wrists together.

Hanta started to roughly rub Denki's sensitive member as Denki struggled to get the tape off but did. As soon as he got his wrists free he wrapped his arms around Hanta's neck and pushed his face in the crook of his neck.

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