Chapter 3: Part 1 New Home

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After Nene and RS training session they continue to train for a couple of weeks before deciding their next move and they decided on leaving the planet after learning that they could go to other planets, using the ship Lord Cube had before RS ended his life they took the time to figure out how to work the ship and surprisingly to RS, Nene Knew how to work the ship with the knowledge her father taught her he used to be a mechanic for ships. So, without delay they started looking for other planets to travel to because if they stayed there, they knew the death of LC would bring others to either seek revenge for his death or would want to fight the person who beat him.

RS: Man, I forgot that he came to this planet with this ship I almost forgot about it even existed.

Nene: How could you forgot about an entire ship it's too big to miss *she says this as Shes typing away on the ship's computer*

RS: Well, if you remember correctly i was too busy you know defending the planet and its people from lord cube or have you forgotten *smirks*

Nene: Of course, i remember that do you also remember me catching you when you were falling out of the sky. Hmph if you ask me i think you should be more thankful. 

RS: Thats... uh *looks annoyed* Thanks again I guess I would have been fine.

Nene: Oh, reallyyyyy well next time your out of energy falling, don't ask me for help hmph

RS: *scoffs* I WONT. Anyway, did you find anything interesting on the computer?

Nene: Yeah, I'm seeing something looks like these guys had a few places they wanted to go to I wonder why..... Hey, look at this one *points to one of the 3 planets on the screen*

RS: The Planets called Nim Rod, huh what a dumb name for a planet what else does it say?

Nene: well according to the data here it says this planet has been kept watched over by these guys and they visited here often to meet someone, but it doesn't say their name, what they are and etc. wonder who this guy they went to meet is.

RS: well only one way to find out right *smirks*. Next stop Nimrod. Oh, and Nene while we're at it...

Nene: hmmm?

RS: we should explore the ship and see what's in here we only came into looking for the control room with the ship controls, but we didn't get to see the rest of it.

Nene: oooo sounds fun let's do that just let me set the coordinates in andddddd done were ready to leave whenever.

RS: Great good work Nene 

Nene: Thanks anyway let's go explore *says with a big smile on her face*

*A few minutes later*

       RS and Nene start to walk down the halls together while looking at the rooms inside the ship.

RS: Whoa this place has everything good on LC for the new place he was so generous to give this to us.

Nene: *giggles* I can't believe he just let us have this whole thing what a nice guy. Ooo is that what i think it is? *Starts to go into a lite jog down the hall*

RS: HEY NENE WAIT UP *runs behind her to catch up*

Nene: IT IS YESSSSSSS *she says as she screams happily*

RS: what, what did you find... is this a..

Nene: ITS A BIG OPEN BATH *grabs RS and pulls him in to show him*

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