The Cullens

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Alice P.O.V.

"Hey Jasper do you think we should tell Bella about Sienna"I asked Jasper, we we're out hunting

And I couldn't stop thinking if it was possible that the Sienna we know is alive

"What would Bella take interest in her?"Jasper asked looking at me, we we're walking home now

"Well aren't you curious I mean s-she looks like Snow, she sounds like her too, her fashion and everything about her is just like our Snow, Her name is identical too except the last name though"I said

"Well come to think of it, she does look identical to her"he said thinking, "Maybe, We do need to tell Bella about the new girl in town"

"She's related to the Mikaelsons, she may be dangerous"Jasper said, "Jasper, she's just a human plus she seems nice when we saw her"

"You're right, as always"he said as he pecled me on the lips, smilling

I smiled, "You always know how to make me smile" I said looking up to him, He just grinned in return

Then we reached home, "Bella!" I said a little louder, once we walked in the front door

"Yes"she said appearing infront of me, "We have to tell you something"I said

"Actually we have to tell all of you something"I corrected myself

"Okay, the whole family is in the living room actually"she said, pointing behind her

We walked to the living room, we saw the whole family sitting in the living room, We sat down

The whole family looked at us, 'Snow is alive, Edward'

Edward looked at me in shock and disbelief, "Impossible she died, The Kings told us"He muttered in disbelief, looking down

He looked at me in sadness, "What is it, Edward?, What did Alice tell you"Bella asked looking at her husband

"She said she was still alive"Edward whispered,  looking at Bella in the eyes

"Who's still alive, Edward?"Esme asked, "Sienna"he said, I didn't talk I just hugged Jasper, and he hugged me back

Edward P.O.V.

I couldn't believe Alice but Why would she lie about Sienna, "I read Alice's mind, She said Sienna was still alive, Bella your adoted sister is still alive"I said

"No, no, no, EDWARD IT CAN'T BE"Bella yelled, standing up

"Edward, is it true the kings wouldn't just lie about Sienna dying!"Rosalie yelled, Emmet held her down

"It's true Rose, Bella I saw in Alice's mind, she looks exactlly like her"I said looking down

"Then if it is true, she must be an reincarnation"Carlisle said, "Then if she is an reincarnation of Snow, can she remember us?"Esme said, a little hope twinkling in her eyes

"I don't think so, but maybe we can trigger her memories" he said

Sienna P.O.V.

I was so bored I didn't know what to do, Well that's what you get for picking a small town

Ring! Ring!

I looked at the caller I.D.,Renesmee was calling me

I answered

(Bold- Sienna, Italian- Renesmee)

Hey, Snow What'cha doin'?

Nothing actually

Good cuz my mom wants to meet you, and the rest of my family too

Oh, really, we just um... met the already want to meet me?

Yes that do

Are you sure your not going to like take me hostage, cause I have my family in speed dial

Stop worrying, Snow, your going to be fineeee

Ok I'll go

Yay, Me and my aunt Rose are coming to pick you up

Before I could say anything else she hung up

Well I guess I'm going to meet the rest of her fam.

- - - -Time Skip- - - -

"Sienna!"soemone yelled, the voice was from outside

I looked at my window to see Renesmee with a Blonde girl

I ran out of my house, taking my phone with me

I got in to their car and we drove off

- - - -Time Skip(again...)- - - -

I was standing infront of their house, It was beautiful, Nesmee already walked inside

"It's beautiful"I breathed out, "It is"Nesmee's aunt spoke, looking sad

"Excuse me, but I still don't know your name"I said turning to her

"Oh sorry, I'm Rosalie Hale and you are Sienna Snow Mikaelson, an I right?"she said, looking at their house and still looking sad, I think she became sadder when she said my name

"Yes that's me, May I ask why your so sad, Do you not want me here?"I said

She finally looked at me, "No that's not it, it's just...Because....I remembered my old best friend"

"Then where is she?"I asked, she gave me one simple answer before walking towards the house "Dead, or so I thought"

I was confused, but I followed her

"Hey, Snow what took you so long?"Nesmee said as I walked to her front door

"Oh, I was just talking to your aunt"I said, "Ok let's go meet my family"she said dragging me upstairs

Rosalie P.O.V.

She does really look like Her, I can't believe it

How was this possible, "Hey babe"Emmet said

"Hi"I said quietly, "What's wrong?"he asked, "How is it even possible?"I said

"What?"He said, confused, "She looks like Her, She even talks like Her, Everything about her is the same as our Snow"I said

He just stayed quiet

??? P.O.V.

They seem to haven't learn their lesson yet, The Kings will hear about this

Their going to expose our secret again

I was watching from the the back of the tree, I couldn't quite see her face, her back was facing me

I quickly ran to the private jet, back to Volturi

- - - -Time Skip- - - -

I walked to the throne room, head held high

My heels we're clicking, I pushed open the doors to the throne room

A/N:Hello my beautiful readers I just wanted to thank you for reading my story

Disclaimer:I do not own twilight or any tv shows that will appear here

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