chapter 6: Training Montage

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Henry just sighed and shook his head before looking to Alexandra. "I'm not sure if I can take this."

"I know what you mean." Alexandra soothed her boyfriend.

"But I like to help people out, but sometimes Duncan and Eddy get on my nerves." Henry said.

"Just ignore them," Alexandra advised. "Duncan, you can't get through, but Eddy, he's been through a lot."

"What do you mean?" Henry asked.

"From what I heard, his older brother tended to abuse him a lot whenever their folks weren't around." Alexandra said.

"What...?" Henry asked.

"I never met him, but Eddy's brother was a big jerk to just about everyone who came in his way," Alexandra said. "Rumor has it that he now runs an amusement park so he can get paid to torture kids with the rides and games. Eddy's parents kicked him out apparently."

"Really?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, and he's also a fire-bender too like Eddy," Alexandra continued. "And he's a member of The Darkstar Council led by Dr. X."

"Well, I dunno if that excuses Eddy for annoying me about using my new powers." Henry rolled his eyes slightly.

"It could be something else." Alexandra shrugged.

"Like what? He just uses me for his scams?" Henry replied.

"Call it a hunch, but I think he just wants someone to look out for him, like a real big brother." Alexandra said.

"But he's got Mike." Henry said.

"That's not what I mean," Alexandra replied. "Besides, Mike and Eddy used to be a serious couple for a while."

"Mike Mazinsky and Eddy?" Henry asked, but then again, he was new, so he never knew about that.

"Yeah, someone gave me this when I asked more about the city when Cartoon Cartoon Fridays was popular." Alexandra said before showing a Toon People magazine with the tomboy with her pigtails and Eddy locked in embraced with the headline: 'SAMPSON + MAZINSKY FINALLY HOOK UP'.

"That's Mike?!" Henry asked in surprise as Mike looked very different from how she looks right now.

"Yep, way before she got a new makeover, and started batting for the other team." Alexandra nodded.

"She... She looks kinda cute with those pigtails." Henry commented.

"Cuter than me?" Alexandra teased with a small smirk.

"N-N-No, you're cute too, Alexandra." Henry replied nervously.

"Relax, I'm only kidding." Alexandra chuckled to that.

"Oh..." Henry smiled weakly. "Heh... You seem to have a way with kids too."

"Yeah, that Baby Kate really seemed to like me." Alexandra replied.

The two teens looked over to see that the boys were still fighting.

"Should we stop it?" Alexandra sighed.

"Good idea," Henry replied until he whistled loudly and the boys then stopped fighting. "Are you all just about done?" Henry asked firmly, crossing his arms. "It's bad enough when I have to deal with Alan and Anne whenever they have a fight."

"Justin started it!" Duncan replied.

"Uh, no, I didn't, you did." Justin replied.

"I don't care who started it, it's ending right now because I said so!" Henry glared.

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