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If I could tell you how I feel,
I would rather show you how it's real.
If I once did you wrong,
I am sorry and please remember our song.
Life has torn us apart,
Lets put it together and try to go back to start.
Why did you have to go away,
and left me with no words to say.
So sad and in the dark ,
in my heart you left your mark.
How could you just leave me alone,
knowing that I want you to just come home.
Why does it have to be this way,
love, please come back and be here to stay.
I am saddened,because you left with no words to say,
not even to check if life is ok.
How could you be like this to me,
how could you be so cold and even see.
So now there is an empty space that you left,
and no one to fill it and still its being safe kept.
If I could tell you how I feel,
I don't you'd care,
I have shown you my feel,
without words they did explain.
But now with you gone I know time will be my heal,
Not regretting the moments with you; they were not in vain.
LOVE........ LOVE OF MINE.....

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