Depression agression

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When the lights dim low,
the heartbeat starts to slow.
The water runs from aggression,
raindrops in depression.
The clouds in the sky turn dark and grey,
the feel of there is no other way.
When the lights dim low to pitch black,
its when terrors of aggression begin to attack.
Screaming so loudly within oneself  and on the inside,
with not wanting to touch the light and hide.
The rain drops, and rain pours for days and nights,
where you purposely wanting to stay unnoticed and out of sight.
Complete solitude and loneliness,
digging a hole so deep; you seem to progress,
succeeding in staying in the dark abyss,
looking for the darkest bottom as you transgress.
When the lights dim low it turns so dark,
hiding hardened emotions so deep,
not even enough light to even see the standing bark,
Then without intentions for days you weep, you weep, until you fall asleep.
There, in your bed you lay,
deep in the dark hole, in the abyss.
Floating in the air and falling; the voices don't care and don't ask if your okay.
You hear them, but ignore them while their is still pouring rain,
Why do they keep talking, because they keep talking in vain.
Do they care, do they care, do they care....
But they listen and  stare.. but they listen and stare.. but they listen and stare...
While you keep falling..falling..falling,
in the black deep..deep..deep hole.
Where is the bottom?
As you weep...weep...weep...your self to sleep.
Maybe they won't notice if you stay asleep.. a never ending sleep so deep...
an aggression so deep
a depression and the desire to stay asleep...
will they care...will they care...will they care....
in the abyss so dark...with no color.
You fall.. fall so deep.
So far from reaching the light, 
even at night.
when the lights dim low,
you can feel the heartbeats get slow.
When they notice your abscence ,
the rain drops will fall,
the pouring rain floods, all........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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