there thoughts on you

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(Y/n) she's quite interesting most people when they see me are scared, but this woman dosen't quite care infact she even declined being in the Akatsuki twice. Most people would join but this woman didn't and she stood her ground, I got to admit she's quite the lady perhaps that's why I feel for her.


Tobi~(Y/n)-chan is such a nice person, she plays with Tobi and dosen't yell at him, she doesn't ever get bored of Tobi Even obito-sama likes her.

Obito~ (y/n) is such a kind person she doesn't fear me and she puts up with Tobi childishly games, she's the first girl besides rin that I have taken a liking to.


(Y/n) is a fun girl to be around un, she doesn't tell me my art sucks like danna yeah, infact she encourages me to make more and show her, no matter how much shit I go through a day, when I hear her laugh and smile, all my worries go away and I laugh along with her.


(Y/n) is a such a shy women she gets scared over the littlest thing, and she always too shy to do anything. It pisses me off how it takes her forever to get the courage to do something, but for some odd reason I don't get angry at her, I find it amusing. And when ever I'm around her I feel this weird tingling feeling in my core, I believe this is what they call love, but I have gotten rid of all my emotions long ago, but It dosen't really bother (y/n) that I rarely show emotion, the more time I'm around her the more I get attracted to her.


(Y/n) She's bad bitch she doesn't let anyone fuck with her, and if she wants something she'll get it. Plus let's not forget about that body she got some nice curves, plus her breast are just the right size, and that ass is great, damn I just can't wait to make her mine.


(Y/n) is an interesting person she so kind and other people take advantage of that, it's pisses me off how she let them, but when I see her smile it makes me forget all about it. She's the first person that I actually care about, I think I might even like her better than money.


(Y/n) She's such a nice person she doesn't judge me based off how I look, she doesn't see me as the monster people see me as. She's always worrying about me if I get the littlest injury she makes sure to heal it fast, I just can't believe I fell for such a nice person.


(Y/n) is such a shy girl when you first met her but after time, she let's her shyness go away and she acts like het normal self. But for some reason I have the sudden urge to protect her she's the first person I ever cared about beside Sasuke, but I can't let myself get too close but she's such a amazing woman. The more I'm around her the more I want to know about her, but when I'm around her I feel nervous and my heart beats faster, could it be possible that I'm falling for her.

Author notes: thank you all for reading, i hope you liked this chapter,  wanted to let you guys know I'm taking request, but I hope you all have a nice night/day author-chan out.
~pikatachi 🤗

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