Chapter 1

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She shouldn't have left home. Of course, she should go out more and make friends... but not to a place like this. She was new in town; and didn't know any places to go besides her apartment and her new found job. Her friend Matt was a writer for Letterman; they exchanged letters for a long time, and she came to town and stayed at his place for a while until she found her own. She knew Letterman was moving to CBS and someone else was going to replace him. She didn't know who it was, but she hoped it wasn't a boring guy like that Jay Leno. They were having a party at that exact moment on NBC studios to celebrate this new host, and Matt invited her, hoping she would bond.

Matt introduced her to some of the writing staff, but got busy before introducing everyone, and she didn't get to meet the host. She wasn't angry at him though, but a little company on a party she didn't know anyone would be a nice gesture. She looked around, bored, at the crowd happily chatting. There was a distinctive gentleman among them, a very tall ginger walking around and greeting everybody. He wasn't hard to miss. He was wearing a tuxedo and spoke loudly. He was charismatic, could be one of the producers, she supposed.

She decided to go out for some air. She didn't tell anything to her friend, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. She would wait for him outside. It was three in the morning and he promised they would leave at four. She went through the crowd until they were out of sight and then walked herself along the corridor to the main entrance and finally, the street. Not a single soul at sight. She could be mugged... but she was bored and being mugged would be the most action she would have all day.

She sat on the sidewalk, not caring about her dress. She was wearing a short blue dress and heels, which she hated because they hurt her feet; her long hair floating with the wind. It was cold outside, but it was enough for her to handle the temperature. She was lost on her thoughts when she heard a voice that almost made her jump.

"You know ma'am, it's three in the morning." the voice said. "It's dangerous here at this time at night."

She turned her head a bit to the side, to see a figure leaned onto a light pole. The figure didn't seem threatening, so she didn't move as it approached. As it got closer, she noticed it was the redhead she had seen before at the party. He was really tall that close. She continued sitting, and he crouched a bit to talk to her.

"I'm just waiting for a friend." she simply said.

"That party is really boring, huh?" he asked. "I was there myself, but I came outside... to look for trouble, maybe."

She smiled at him. "You could make me company."

He smiled back, and sat next to her. "Are you friends with someone here?"

"Well I'm friends with Matt, the head writer." she said. "He was a writer for Letterman and he's staying to write for this new guy."

The redhead raised his eyebrows. "So you don't know who the host is?"

She giggled at him. "Not really. Who is it?"

"This guy... Chip Whitley." he replied. "He's new and doesn't know much but we are willing to help him."

She furrowed her brows a bit. "Chip Whitley is a ridiculous name, to be honest."

He giggled. "Yes, we all think it is. But the guy doesn't want to change his name, and there's nothing we can do about it."

She nodded. "And you, what is your name? What do you do there?"

A car was passing at this exact moment and the lights illuminated his face for a single second. She got to see the features of his face briefly. He had prominent cheekbones, thin lips and deep blue eyes. He was smiling as the light hit his face and rapidly went out to be replaced by the weak light of the street poles.

"My name is Conan. Conan O'Brien. I'm a writer. It's very nice to meet you.

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