10: All My of Life

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"He'll be fine," Jin said patting your shoulder as you stared at the sleeping Jungkook on the bed.

The guy beside you yawned before he looked at you and smiled, "You're worried."
"Of course I am," you answered.

"Then forgive him already," Jin persuaded.

You sighed.

"Okay, okay, I won't force you, that's your decision. But at least try to look at his efforts."

"By the way," Jin said with a much enthusiastic voice, "we're going to have a company outing next week," Jin held our shoulders and turned you to face him, "Come,-You-Must."
"You woke me up at one-thirty in the morning and made me drive my way here to check on your sick boyfriend."
"He's not—."
"You both will attend the outing," Jin's voice was lower and you realized you actually have no choice but to say yes. "I have to go now, Jungkook will be fine, just continue to change the towel on his forehead from time to time."

After sometime, you returned in Jungkook's room with another set of towel soaked on water.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, you carefully removed the old cloth and replaced it with a new one, patting lightly on the towel so it would thoroughly cover his forehead.

All of a sudden, Jungkook gripped on your wrist before opening his eyes that immediately met yours, his half opened eyelids and parted lips somehow gave you chills.

"You should sleep now," Jungkook said, his voice was hoarse and weak, "you need rest Y/N."
"You're sick Jungkook, let me take care—."
"I should be the one taking care of you damn it," he cursed but the kind that was more out of conscience and not anger, he bit his lips hard until you saw a tear escaped from his lids, he sighed before turning his gaze away from you, "Sorry."
"You need to get better before the company outing."

"We're going?" Jungkook asked like an excited little toddler with his eyes twinkling like the stars and you tried to hide your smile.

You stood up and went straight for the door while saying, "I'll sleep now."
"I thought you're going to take care of me—," the pout on his voice was obvious.

You cut him off, "You want me to rest right?"

"Okay, baby."
You bit on your lower lip hearing his sweet call out for you but you kept your back on him to avoid him from seeing your flushed face.

The day of the outing has finally come.

Jin welcomed you and Jungkook with a huge smile on his face, apparently he was so happy that you both came and it gave you an uneasy feeling of what might this guy was planning to do.

Your service was this huge high-end van that fitted all the invited employees of sixteen people. The ride to the resort was so much fun—at least for the others.

You were sitting at the back most right corner of the van by the window, you see Jungkook beside you smiling as he enjoyed watching your co-workers exchange jokes, his bunny teeth showing whenever he could hear Jin's funny-sounding laugh.

You would smile from time to time, but you were sleepy, so you put on your earphones and closed your eyes for a bit.

Jungkook kept his eyes on the people up front that only when he felt a weight on his shoulder that he noticed you sleeping.

He noticed your other earphone hanging so he picked it up and put it on his ear to listen to what you were listening to.

He smiled looking down on you, you're long lashes were stagnant as you slept, your steady breathing made him feel at ease somehow, and couldn't help to carefully arranged your hair, tucking them on your ear to see you clearly.

✔ COLD HEART: JJK #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now