chapter two

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CALISTA DID NOT ENJOY THE PLANE RIDE TO THE MAIN LAND AT ALL. Her stomach was constantly turning and her head was pounding. "We're almost there, just hold on." Calista thought Bruce sounded a little annoyed. Maybe it was because her polar bear dog pooped on the floor.

"Look I'm sorry, Bruce. Hera has a mind of her own." He put down his newspaper and stared at her. "Is that what you call that thing?" She scoffed, "That thing happens to be my best friend." "What is it anyways?" Calista breathed in, "She is a polar bear dog. I've had her since we found out I was the Avatar. Every Avatar has an animal guide, and Hera is mine." Bruce nodded. "So she's always going to follow you?" Calista nodded.

"Just make sure she doesn't get in the way." Bruce exclaimed as he stood up. "Now buckle up we're about to land." Calista fastened her seat belt tightly, bracing for impact. "Does flying always suck?" She asked. "No, your body just isn't used to it." She nodded again. "Where are we anyways?" "We're in Gotham City. My home."

The white haired girl grabbed Hera and guided her off of the air craft. "It's okay girl, come on." Hera followed her owner and quickly made their way down the steps. "Welcome to the Bat Cave." The girl looked up towards the ceiling, and turning every way to see. "Are there really bats in here?" She questioned. "Uh, is that a real question?" Calista stared innocently at Bruce. "Is it not supposed to be?"

The older man stared at the Avatar, "No. There are no bats. Come on, I'll show you where you'll be staying for now." Bruce walked towards an elevator and eyed Hera. Calista noticed this and quickly intervened. "Please, Bruce. She doesn't like to be alone in new places." Calista's deep brown eyes starred into his. "Fine. Like I said earlier just keep her out of trouble." The Avatar smiled and nodded.

Hera pushes her way into the elevator with Bruce and Calista joining. With the giant creature taking up most of the space the two humans were squeezed tightly together. "So, how many of us are there?" Calista questioned. "As of right now just us." Bruce sighed. "What? Have you tried contacting anyone else?" Bruce nodded, "Diana Prince. Although, I have found some other interesting people." "Who?" Calista was very curious. "Arthur Curry, Barry Allen, and Victor Stone. I think you'd be good help recruiting them."

Calista nodded, "Of course, anything. When do we leave?" Bruce looked down at her. "We will leave-." "Tomorrow?" She interrupted. "You know for a princess you're very talkative." He chuckled as the elevator dinged. Calista rolled her eyes, "My apologies." He turned to her with a playful gaze. "Why do you want to leave so badly?" He turned around and started walking away, so she followed.

"Well when you've been restrained from seeing the outside world, you wonder what it looks like." Her face fell, and her eyes suddenly lost their sparkle. Bruce surprisingly felt pity for her. "I suppose we can leave tomorrow night." Calista's face grew a smile. "Yay! This is so exciting!" She exclaimed. He nodded. The two suddenly stopped in front of a door way. "You will be sleeping here." Calista walked into the room, "Very, dark." She noticed the open window towards the lake. Something that reminded her of home.

"Yeah, well deal with it. There's the closet, bathroom," he stopped himself to think for a moment. "You did bring extra clothes didn't you?" Calista gasped, "No! You made us leave so soon all I have are the clothes on my back." Bruce rubbed his face. "Okay, well I'll have Diana take you shopping when we get back, as of now there should be extra shirts in the drawers right there." The girl walked to the black drawer and picked up a big gray shirt. "What about tomorrow?" Bruce looked down at her. "Wear that, you'll need it."

"Also if you're hungry just make yourself at home there's food in the kitchen, and I'll be down in the Bat Cave. Albert can assist you with anything you need, just buzz for him." Bruce smiled at her and quickly closed the door. Hera huffed and laid down beside the bed. "Well better get clean." Calista muttered walking to the bathroom. Everything here was technologically advanced, while the technology wasn't used very much in the Northern Water Tribe. Calista recalled her trip to Republic City.

The technology there was mind boggling to her. People had cell phones, smart watches, and such. Her father wanted to keep with tradition, so there was almost no technology whatsoever. Because most citizens were water benders there wasn't proper plumbing for bath tubs and showers. In fact, her bath tub was made of ice. Calista was actually struggling to turn on her shower when there was a knock at the door. "Hello, may I help you?" She asked. "How do you do miss, I'm Alfred. I thought I should make myself known."

"I am doing marvelous, Alfred. However, I would like some help with the shower." Alfred's eyes went wide, "What seems to be the problem?" Her cheeks became red in embarrassment, "Where I'm from we control water, so I'm not used to using a shower properly." Alfred quickly made his way to the bathroom. "All you do is turn this way, and pull out." Calista let out a chuckle, "Oh! Okay, I'm sorry. I guess I was making it harder than it was." Alfred smiled at the girl. "It's quit alright, Miss. Would you like me to make you something?" "Do you have seaweed?"

Alfred looked shocked, "No, but I can get you some." She nodded, "Please, in fact why don't I go shopping with you when we get back from the trip tomorrow? I need clothes, and I can get some foods I enjoy!" Alfred smiled. "Of course, Miss! What would you like in the mean time?" She thought for a second. "Oh, how about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" Alfred nodded, "It'll be ready as soon as your done." "Thank you!" She called as he made his way out.

After Calista's shower she moved her hands around and suddenly the water was in a ball in front of her, and her body dry. She moved that water into the tub where it went down the drain. "Alright, Hera. Want to try to find the kitchen?" Hera stood up and followed Calista out the door. "Oh my heavens!" Albert gasped with a hand on his chest. "Don't be afraid. She won't hurt anyone unless she has to." He nodded, "Well I'm sure I can fix something up for her as well." Calista nodded and the three walked to the kitchen.

"This is a nice kitchen," She muttered. Alfred pointed towards a plate with the most beautiful sandwich she'd ever seen. "I hope it tastes as good as it looks." She stated before stuffing her face. "I hope it does too. Does she eat beef?" Calista nodded. Alfred started cooking the meat when Hera walked closer to him sniffing the pan. "Be careful, it's hot." She backed away and sat down beside Calista.

"So do you eat a lot of seafood then?" Alfred asked. "Oh yes, but we do eat other meat. Like koala otter, otter penguin, tiger seal, turtle seal, we even get shipments of sabertooth moose lions, or platypus bear. But my favorite thing is seaweed noodles from this restaurant in Republic City! I could make them some time." She suggested. Alfred let out a chuckle with a weird look on his face. "Uh, sure. However, I'm not sure our local grocery will have those types of... meats."

Sry for the filler chapter but I just want this book to be longer, you know? Most justice league books I read are soo good, but soooooo frickin short. Anyways any guesses on what the next chapter is about?? Stay tuned ;)

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