chapter three

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IT WAS HARD FOR THE WHITE HAIRED GIRL TO SLEEP. She was in a new place and she only befriended two people. Bruce barely counts. She already missed her family. Her home. The comfort of her own room. Calista sighed and decided that she should just get up now. She turned over and looked at the clock it read, 7:36 am. "Whatever." She pulled the covers back and walked to the bathroom. She was still wearing her tribal headpiece.

She sighed and took it off. Can't have that getting lost today. She thought. After she finished in the bathroom she decided to head down to the Bat Cave. "Hera!" She whispered loudly. The dog just huffed and crawled up onto the bed. Calista giggled and rolled her eyes. "Good morning, Miss Herondale." "Alfred." She waved at him as the elevator doors started to close. Calista hummed to herself wishing some music was playing.

She bounced out of the elevator and found Bruce sitting at his desk. "Good morning. When do we leave?" She asked. "Well, once I email Diana we can head out." Calista nodded. "So are we gonna need Hera?" Bruce shook his head, "I think we will be fine. She can stay here with Alfred." "Okay." She began to walk around noticing all the machines and technology. "So does this bat cave have a place for training?" Bruce stood up walking closer to the jet, "Yeah, just down that hallway." He pointed towards a long dark hallway. "Is that hallway supposed to be intimidating?" "Yes. Is it working?" "No." She quickly responded.

Calista decided to pass on the dark hallway and continued to look around. The training area was big. Like really big. She smiled as she walked in. It was all made of concrete, it reminded her of the arena in Republic City. "You know we can add stuff so you're able to train." The white haired girl smiled as she turned to him. "Yeah! Like maybe the edges and lengths of the room are filled with water from the lake." Bruce nodded. "I'll look into it." She smiled again. "Do you like seaweed noddles?" She asked.

"I've never heard of them." Bruce stated. "Oh, well, when Alfred and I go to the store if I find some seaweed, I'll make some! It's my favorite food." Bruce nodded. "Maybe we could have a night where we eat food from your country." Calista gasped. "Yes! Oh my god, that's be so fun! Do you know where I could get some otter-penguin?" Bruce let out a loud laugh, "You're joking right?" She shook her head in confusion. "Oh my god."


The plane ride to wherever they were going was super long and Calista was not here for it. "Bruce, are we almost there?" The man rolled his eyes. "You're like what? Twenty-five?" She nodded. "You sound like a five year old." She huffed and looked out the window. "Whatever." Suddenly the plane jolted. "We're landing now. Are you happy?" She smiled. "Very."

Calista walked with Bruce, watching him shiver. She laughed as she was used to the cold. "Who are we looking for?" She asked. "Arthur Curry. Also known as Aquaman." That name sparked her interest. "Aquaman?" He nodded. "How are you not freezing right now?" He questioned. "I basically lived in an ice castle, what'd you think." He nodded. "Okay let's go."

The two continued to walk until they reached a pub. Towns people surrounded them with questioning eyes. One intimidating man stood above everyone else. "I'm asking for your help." Calista glanced at Bruce, then the man. "I believe a man comes here from the sea. He comes in the winter when the people are hungry and brings fish. He comes on the king tide." Bruce stared at the man with striking eyes and long hair. "That was last night."

She couldn't help but observe him. The older man stated something Bruce and Calista couldn't understand, but the man translated. However, Calista wasn't paying attention. Laughter erupted and broke her stare. "What are they laughing at?" She asked Bruce. "I think they're laughing at me." Bruce turned and looked over Calista's shoulder. There on the wall was a painting. She assumed it was of Aquaman.

"Tell me what those three boxes are and I'll make it thirty." Calista rolled her eyes. The long haired man took two strides towards Bruce. "You should get out." The white haired girl was surprised he didn't even look at her. "Can you at least point us to Atlantis?" Bruce quipped. Calista gasped as the man grabbed Bruce and pushed him up on the wall. "Arthur Curry." He struggled to say. "Also known as protector of the oceans. The Aquaman."

Calista watched the two have a stare down until Bruce stayed, "I hear you can talk to fish." "Oh my god." She slapped her forehead. "You don't just say that to somebody Bruce. Even if he is Aquaman." Arthur looked down at Calista, "And you are?" "Calista Herondale." He smirked and held out his hand. "Never heard of you." She smiled grabbing his rather larger hand. "Didn't expect you to."

The three walked along the shore talking about Bruce. "So let me get this straight. You do dress up like a bat?" Arthur questioned. "Yes, I've worked twenty years in Gotham." Arthur scoffed, "Oh, that shit hole." Calista was behind both men as her legs were too short to keep up with them. "You should come." She stated. "Don't count on it, sweets." Arthur stated. Calista blushed at the nickname. "Why not?" Bruce asked. "I don't like you coming here digging into my business, getting into my life."

Calista hummed. "I just wanna be left alone." "Really?" Bruce just wasn't stopping. "You help these people out and then just leave." Arthur started to remove his jacket. Then his sweater. Calista's eyes widen as she watched him walk deeper into the water. "You wanna protect them? You need to work with them." Bruce exclaimed. "Strong man is strongest alone. Ever heard that?" Bruce scoffed. "That's not a saying. That's the opposite of what the saying is."

"Yeah! Must be wrong." Arthur quipped back. "Ever heard of super man? He died fighting next to me." Bruce walked closer to the water. As did Calista. "My point exactly." "Whats in the three boxes?" Bruce interrogated. "It's ancient history." Arthur called out. "Dressed like a Bat. You're out of your mind Bruce Wayne." Arthur jumped up and landed under the water, swimming away. "He was so hot." Calista muttered. Bruce shook his head, "Really?" "What?"

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