1 (prequel)

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They weren't even supposed to be friends, let alone know of each others' existence.

The 15 year old was named Jeon Jeongguk.

The 16 year old named Kim Taehyung.

Jeon went to a public school where he excelled in his classes.

Kim went to a private school where his grades were not up to par.

Jeon had no siblings.

Kim has 2 baby sisters.

Jeon fell in love once.

Kim fell in love too many times.


Jeon attended a school that was rich in violence and chipped walls. His desk covered in etches and chewed up gum. Classes filled with some sort of delinquent behavior. But he had family.

He grew up with these people since kindergarten. From his best class friend Yugyeom to his upperclassmen Baekhyun and Namjoon. He didn't have "friend" friends but he had an unspoken bond with each person that he passed across the halls.

He needed people. He needed love.

He knew too well how much family means, since he barely had any of his own.


Kim went to a private school where wearing the same red collared outfit with the same stupid gold logo was required for daily activities. Instead of being confined to one boring outfit, he expressed his personality with the color of his hair.

This year was brown tips with blonde highlights.

He was practically siblings with his friends. His personality exuded comfort and trust so much that he had plenty friends with both sexes. This also resulted into having plenty of exes.

He had too much people. He was confused about the meaning of love.

He questioned whether it was worth searching for.

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