Chapter 1

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It was a cold and breezy November in London. I stood with my coat pulled close to my body, as the wind around me stirred. "Lilly, watch out!" my best friend Elizabeth yelled at me as she grabbed my wrist and yanked me back. I stood beside her, her hand still firmly wrapped around my wrist. "Elizabeth, what was that all about?" I asked with a questioning look clearly pasted on my face. "I just saved your bloody life Lilly!" I just looked at my best friend totally confused. "Did you seriously not just see that hackney fly by and almost run you over?!" Elizabeth breathed out, clearly frustrated. "No Elizabeth, I totally just saw that hackney try to run me over! I purposely kept walking so that I could put my self in the way of the hackney" I replied sarcasm dripping off every word. "Honestly Elizabeth! Do you really believe me so clumsy or stupid as to get myself killed by a crazy hackney driver?!" Elizabeth stood there, her mouth agape as I fumed at her. I turned on my heel, pulling my wrist out of her grasp.

I was so frustrated by her! I threw my hands up in the air and gave an exasperated sigh. Did Elizabeth really believe me to be the type of person that would throw her life away while she is in her prime? I mean I have come so far in my life, I have so much yet to live for! For crying out loud I thought in my head if I were so desperate to throw my life away, it would most certainly not be given to a hackney driver. I believe I would give my life over to a gallant knight or handsome prince, much like those story book princesses do. I like to think of myself as a romantic. It may be old fashioned, but it is my preferred fashion.

As I continued to walk down the lane, the wind picked up yet again, biting and nipping at my heels, urging me to pick up my pace. I was compelled to follow the wind's instructions, until I was stopped in my tracks by a smell that was wafting out of a nearby cafe and bakery. I hastened my pace, following my nose, as it followed the delightful smell that kept calling to me. Within no time at all, I stood in front of a small café. I looked up and beheld the most beautiful sign, it read "Scamall Caife" (The Cloud Café). I set my hand on the door getting ready to pull it open, when someone ran through the door hitting me in the head. I fell to the ground and smacked my head on the pavement. The next thing I knew, I was waking up to something around my nose, setting on my face. I slowly opened my eyes, and looked around. I slowly began to realize that I was in an ambulance with an oxygen mask on my face. As I began to realize exactly what was going on, it all came crashing down on me. Just as if on que, my head began to hurt, with a splitting headache. Ugh is this to be my life?! First I almost get run over by a hackney, and now I am laying on a gurney in an ambulance heading to Lord knows where! "Oh good your awake." a voice said to my right. "You took quite the nice hit to your head." I rolled my eyes before I replied "No kidding! But can you give me something? I have a splitting headache, and I have a feeling it has something to do with the man that decided to run me over with a door!!" the man kindly placed medicine into my IV. I slowly began to feel the pain in my head dissipating. Thank God almighty for this blessed pain relief.

Within minutes, we arrived at a hospital. I was pulled out of the back of the ambulance and was carted into the hospital while a paramedic began giving a doctor my work up. "Jane Doe, approximately 21 years of age. She was hit in the head with a door and fell backwards hitting the pavement." I interrupted the man right there "I am not some Jane Doe, My name is Lilly Victoria Rose James." I stated rather matter of factly. "Well I stand corrected, this is Lilly." The medic who brought me in, then proceeded to leave after I was transferred rather roughly onto the hospital bed. "So Lilly, I see you took quite the blow to the head. I am rather surprised that you are not unconscious. Typically with a blow like this, our patients are out stone cold, and don't come to for about another hour or so." Before the kind doctor could state any more facts, I interrupted him and said "Doctor, I am not just some number or just some random Jane Doe who has been carted into your hospital. I am a woman who has a mind of her own, and I wish to be treated as such. If this is unable to happen, then I would kindly like to ask that I be reassigned to another Doctor, preferably one whom will treat me with the respect I deserve." with that, the Doctor stood quite still trying to process everything that I had just told me. When he finally got it together, he replied rather gruffly "I dare say woman, that you mind your tongue, for it will cost you very dearly. As for the other matter, I am taking myself off your service and giving you over to Doctor Aedan." with that being said, the rather rude and elderly Doctor left. Within minutes, Doctor Aedan came in and introduced himself, and might I say, he was quite the handsome devil if I do say so myself. Doctor Aedan came over to my bedside and took a penlight out of his pocket. "Hi Lilly, I'm just going to shine this little light into your eyes, to check how your pupils react." I nodded my head and allowed Dr. Aedan to do his work. The light was briefly shined into my eyes, though I must say, the light kind of hurt a little. "hmmm, it appears that your eyes are not responding as they should be to the light. I believe that you may have a concussion." Man, I really must have gotten knocked down pretty hard... "Just to be on the safe side, I am going to require that you stay overnight for observation." I sighed a bit but consented to stay. Plus on the bright side, Dr Hot I mean Aedan was going to take care of me. Maybe getting rid of Dr. what's his name was a pretty good move on my part. Perhaps this hospital stay wouldn't be so bad.

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