Chapter Two | Layla Reeves

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I woke to my bed dipping, my eyes fluttered open and were met with a cast a light that leaked threw my door that was ajar and the outline of my father sat on my bed. I held my breathe he just sat there for a few moments then got up and walked out closing the door behind him.

As the door clicked tears trailed down my face. Don't ask me why I couldn't give you a straightforward answer. I buried my head in my pillow and breathed deeply and a choked sob came from my throat. God I'm so weak. I pulled my blankets over head bringing my knees to my chest.

The familiar heavy, sinking hollow feeling filled me again like every night just about it wouldn't go away, like usual. I didn't fight it tonight....I embraced it.

I rolled over and pulled the covers away from my head and looked out my window and the glowing moon starred back at me.

The hill in the distance put a dark shadow in the night. Sleep didn't seem like it would be coming any time soon, so I drug myself out of bed and crawled out the window and walked off into the darkness of the night.

The night was slightly cool, but not torturous. I walked up the hill and when I reached the top I collapsed on the soft grass and let the tears fall. And I let myself think of my older sister and how she's doing and they only came harder. She hasn't said a word to me in a year, but I can't blame her. I wiped fiercely, but the tears just wouldn't stop. I let out a frustrated cry and pound my fist on the soft ground.

Then I was being pulled into someone's lap and I didn't care it was comforting. They brushed the hair out of my face and rubbed my back and let me ruin their shirt with my pathetic crying.

"It'll get better." They whispered. I looked up and saw warm brown eyes looking back at me.

"You don't know that." I reply wiping my eyes.

"I don't Your right, but it can't get much worse can it?" He whispers and I could tell he was trying to convince himself just as much as me. Adam looked away from me and out at the stars. The moon gave just enough light for me to see slowly falling tears.

I leaned up and brushed the stray tears away. He shifts his gaze on me and I knew that we would be more to each other from now on, a small broken smile pulled at his lips. And I wondered how I could never see the dread, hollowness, and...defeat lingering behind his warm brown eyes. He needed someone and I would be that someone.

"Do you come here a lot?" I ask crossing my legs.

"Since my mom remarried, yes." He answered.

"How long have they been married?" I didn't want to pry, but I wanted to understand and know him more. We've only been semi friends never real close though.

"Two years."

"My dad's been with the same bitch for five years now." I say stiffly.

"She's not going anywhere is she?" He ask.

"Nope, but she thinks I will." I reply laying my head in my hands.

"Will you?" He ask his eyes searching mine.

"Not if she wants me too."

Thank you so much for reading plz continue and vote.
- kiss_im_irish-ish

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