Chapter 5

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Jonathan had been more careful when he went to see his sister. Not only his father seemed to be getting more suspicious. He was almost certain that she would be able to recognize him even though she was almost unconscious.

Once again he was standing outside of her apartment, she would arrive at any moment now, Jonathan was still trying to come up with what he would say to Clary when he meet her. This thought was constantly haunting him.

He still couldn't figure out if saving her from the demon and then vanishing would play on his favor. He was lost in his train of thought when he felt a light tap on his right shoulder.

Someone had been able to sneak up to him without he noticing. Jonathan turned on his heel and was greeted by a pair of curious green eyes looking up at him.

"Who are you?". The tiny redhead asked with caution in her voice.

Jonathan was in shock, this was the first time she had ever directed her beautiful voice to him or stared directly to him with those beautiful green eyes that seemed to look at his tainted soul. He felt lost.

He quickly caught up with what she had asked him. What could he answer, if he told her the truth so forwardly it would frick her out and outside of the truth what else could he tell her, Jonathan didn't want to lie, not to her. It was the first time he actually cared about lying to someone. Clary surly recognized him from the incident with the demon, he could see her in her eyes.

Jonathan decided to go with a half truth. "I was going to make sure you were fine after the incident with the... dog that attacked you". Realization crossed her eyes before she frowned. "That wasn't a dog and you know it". She said firmly. "Why were you there?". She spoke again.

He had to tell her the truth now there was no way around it specially now that she knew that it wasn't a mundane thing that attacked her. "Do you really don't know any of these?". He inquired.

"Great he answered a question with a question" Clary thought. She knew well it wasn't anything mundane what attacked her and she was pretty sure this guy was anything mundane either. She could see it in his pitch black eyes that seemed to be trying to read her thoughts, if he had succeeded it was still a complete mystery.

"You are right what you saw wasn't a dog or... any animal". Jonathan said. "It was a demon."

Her eyes widened for a moment as shock crossed through her face, shack that became a incredulous look. "There are not such things as... demons."

Jonathan no longer knew what he was doing which was unknown territory for him, he always had a plan. He could only hope for Clary to believe him. "Then what do you think it was?"

Clary frowned. She couldn't be more confused know she knew that sometimes she could see some thing other people couldn't see like that time when she was in kindergarten and and she had seen a fairy outside the classroom window, she had told her classmates to come see the fairy that earned her the nickname of liar or crazy so on that day on she kept her mouth shut on everything she thought was out of normality. And know some stranger that had rescued her from some...thing was claiming she might not be the only one who could seen this creatures, but a demon? That seemed way more unlikely. "So you are saying that there are such thing as demons? What's next vampires? And by the way, Who are you?"

Jonathan was taken a back what could he tell her, he decided that she would not believe him from just telling her, she seemed to be as stubborn as him.

"My name is Jonathan. Would you believe me if I showed you?"

A/N: I'm so sorry for this piece of crap that I decided to call a chapter. Thank you all for your reviews seriously it makes my day to read them. And thank you if u took the time to read this story.



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