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A/N: Day 7 of Ficmas is: Baking

And instead of going the obvious route and writing a cheesy Kaylor baking date I wrote this and it doesn't even really focus on the baking, because I'm a heartless monster apparently, I am very sorry!

(And yes before anyone says anything, cats can definitely do this due to hairballs, I did some extensive googling)

TW: Sick pet (She'll be alright though)


"Karls?" Taylor calls uncertainly, a note of panic in her voice.

"Kitchen, baby!" The model calls back at once, seemingly picking up on Taylor's concern. Seconds later Taylor storms into the room, holding their four-month old kitten in her arms and looking distraught, holding back tears she really didn't expect would come to her eyes so quickly.

"Hi, baby, did you wanna help with the first batch of Christmas cookies?" Karlie asks and Taylor, who's been looking forward to the annual Christmas baking after a long day, can hear the smile in her girlfriend's voice, but she's too worried to retaliate.

"Did you feed Dibbles anything weird?" She asks instead, as calmly as she can, but now finally, Karlie seems to notice how upset Taylor is. The taller woman spins around, away from the cookies and spots the cat in Taylor's arms.

"No why, is she okay?" In a few quick steps Karlie has reached the pair and kisses Taylor's forehead in concern, placing a hand on the cat's fluffy head.

"Well, for one she's thrown up all over the living room carpet!" Taylor says her voice hollow with worry.

"I'm sorry baby, I should've kept a better eye on her," Karlie says, pulling Taylor close, "cats do throw up sometimes, hairballs and stuff..." She almost coos into Taylor's hair in an attempt to comfort her.

"B-but," a harsh sob interrupts the sentence and she sniffles a little, "there's blood in it." Karlie pulls away slightly and Taylor can tell she's trying very hard not to look as wide-eyed as she does.

"Okay," her voice is surprisingly calm now, "that admittedly doesn't sound good. Do you want to go to the vet?"

Taylor shakes her head at once, "I don't want to ruin a Christmas tradition, I've been looking forward to baking with you all day..." Taylor tries her hand at a smile, but the weak attempt falters from her lips as soon as she realizes Karlie can see right through her.

"Well, if Olivia is sick you won't be able to enjoy it the way you should, let's go make sure the baby is okay." Before Taylor can protest her girlfriend has turned off the oven and is already on her way towards the door.

Not one to bother her security for naught Taylor realizes how truly beside herself she must be when she unceremoniously bangs on their door. John, the newest addition to the team opens up at once.

"Is everything alright?" He asks immediately, glancing at Karlie, searching for some explanation to Taylor's wide-eyed stare.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but our kitten is sick!" Taylor explains gesturing to Olivia; hanging ruefully on the girl's arm.

"Aww, I'm very sorry to hear that, would you like some of us to take her to the vet?"

"Actually I'd like to go with!" Taylor says at once and Karlie nods beside her, adding: "I'm coming too!"

John nods curtly, "very well, let's go, ladies!"

Spending their baking day in a veterinarian's office wasn't exactly what either of them had had in mind, but when Taylor sits at the back off the room, (to avoid such a public place as a waiting room the doctor was kind enough to offer the celebrities stay in the room) head on Karlie's shoulder as the doctor examines their cat Taylor is nonetheless glad to have her girl there, even if they could've had a much nicer night at home.

After what feels like hours upon hours of slow torture (but is probably closer to half an hour) The doctor finally turns to them and Taylor's hand squeezes Karlie's way too hard.

"Ladies," the doctor says, daring to smile, "I have good news, it seems your little critter hasn't quite learnt how big of a hair ball she's able to swallow yet, she's taking too much and causing excessive vomiting, leading to blood. It's nothing dangerous and will pass as she gets older!"

Relief washes over Taylor and she can feel Karlie relaxing next to her as well.

Nothing is wrong with their little baby

In the SUV on the way home Taylor finally turns to smile at Karlie where they sit, cuddled up in the backseat, arms tightly around each other.

"Hey," she says softly, meeting the other woman's eyes, "We have cookies to bake!"

Karlie smiles back and they kissfor the first time that night, protected by the car's tinted windows as thekitten slumbers on Taylor's other side. Karlie runs a hand through Taylor'shair and grins against her lips, something that, at once causes Taylor to grinjust as widely.

"I'm glad everything is okay," Karlie says softly and Taylor nods, "everythingis perfect!" She agrees.    

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