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A/N: Mere lowkey ruins Christmas for everybody...

 Today's prompt is: Stockings


The kiss tasted like berries, like a freshly cut fruit from an orchard in the warmest climate in the middle of freezing New York December. Taylor bit her girlfriend's lip, pulling it sharply—enough to make Karlie gasp slightly, but not enough to draw blood.

Then Taylor pulled away slightly and the blue in her eyes had started dissolving, the sea retracting from the shoreline.

Then, as if one cue, the moment was interrupted by a loud crash from the living room.

Understanding immediately the two women rushed into the room only to find exactly what they'd been expecting.

Karlie had questioned both once and twice whether the cats actually needed their own stockings, but Taylor had been confident in her decision...Until Meredith attacked hers and brought it to the floor in desperate search of the catnip, of course.

"Well, merry Christmas, ladies!" Taylor exclaimed as Olivia joined the chaos. They both started laughing and Karlie left the I told you so hanging in the air as she helped Taylor clean up the mess.

I'll be cleaning up catnip with you on Christmas Eve...

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