Chapter 7- sleepovers and a mansion

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Ok, i'm back from holidays and can i just say that it was absolute TORTURE. not being able to upload an all, i had all these chapters written on my phone and i could'nt even upload it. Anyway... *sigh* HERE IT IS NOW! I hope you guys like it! Enjoyoyyy and i lurrvvee youuu!

Liv xxx


We were in Harry's range rover on the way to my house and Danielle and i  had decided to come home with me so that we could practise a bit for our next live show.

"Apparantly we're dancing for you guys" Danielle exclaimed, looking over at Perrie who was sitting on Zayn's lap. It seemed as though Zayn refused to let go of her, ever.

"Oh, really? That's great! I'm so excited for Next Friday!" she squeaked, jumping up and down. Zayn flinched.

"Ow, ooh. Perrie, sweetie. That was my cro-"

"Here we are! This is your house, isn't it?" Harry interrupted as he slowed down in front of a beige picket fence.

"Yeap." i confirmed and Harry pressed down on the brake.

Niall smiled at me and kissed my lips softly, letting his mouth linger on mine for a little while.

"See ya, beautiful" he whispered and kissed me again quickly before pulling away.

Danielle got out as well, blowing Liam a kiss.

"Bye guys!" we both said. They were just about to drive off, before a thought flashed through my mind.

"Oh wait! I just remembered! Do you guys wanna go to a party tomorrow night? A girl called Annie is throwing a house party 'cause her parents aren't there, so it would be fun if you all came along" i said quickly before taking a breath. Everyone grinned, and Louis cheered.

"Send us the details and we'll be there" he exclaimed. Harry was just about to press on the pedal, before Niall shouted.

"WAIT!" he said and opened the car door. Everyone rolled their eyes as Niall got out, taking a huge bear with him.

"You forgot this" he smiled innocently. I laughed, taking the giant pink polar bear.

"thank you" i whispered and pulled him into a tight hug, loving the feeling of his warm body pressed against mine.

"I love you" Niall said softly into my ear. I smiled into his neck, my heart beat accelerating.

"I love you too" i said back and all the boys sighed in exasperation.

"NIALL! you're seeing her tomorrow! It's as if you're going to war or something!" Zayn said loudly, making us break apart.

I looked into niall's shining eyes once more before he reached to open the car door, smiling up mischeviously at me.

"bye, Paige" he finished and climbed in, the car driving off.

"Aww he's so sweet! I'm so jealous!" Danielle said, putting her hands up to her heart.

I raised an eyebrow. "Danielle. Don't go telling me liam isn't super sweet either. That boy worships the ground you walk on!" i laughed, ringing the door bell. Forgot the keys... Again.

Danielle laughed, shrugging. "you may have a point"

The door opened, and i was greeted by my mother who gave Danielle the largest smile.

"Helloooo!! You must be Danielle! Oh, you are so beautiful! Paige has told me all about-"

"Mum please?" i begged in a small voice. My mother looked at me for a couple of seconds before smiling at Danielle again.

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