Chapter 1

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My breathing was uneven, coming out in gasps as I pushed myself to the edge, as I always did. I rushed through the trees, glad to have the trail all to myself. Just as I felt my legs give in, I slowed to a jog, the Packhouse coming into view. It was still too early for most to be up and about, save for the few early risers, myself included. As I reached the door leading to the kitchen, my jog became a walk .

I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water, my throat burning from today's effort. As I drank my water, I turned but was met with a hard chest. I stumbled back a bit before warm, masculine hands steadied me. Sparks ignited at his touch, my heart rate spiking all over again...


I looked up to see shocked ocean blue eyes staring intently at me. I groaned internally because I knew what was coming. It was just my luck for my mate to be none other than the player, my soon-to-be Alpha, Selden Woods. He scowled, pulling his hands away, making my heart sink deep into my chest. My fists clenched involuntarily. His shock was quickly replaced by a smirk as he gave me a once over. And what I expected, but never hoped for, came out of the asshole's mouth.

"I, Selden Woods, reject you, Alessa Sartori, as my mate." Just as I was about to respond, the pack slut, Darla, came in and wrapped her slimy hands around him. I gave them a disgusted look, which the slut smirked at. Selden looked hurt, only for a moment, but immediately recovered.

I gave him a disappointed look, focusing my attention on my water. I finished drinking it, squeezed the bottle and threw it in the bin. I was just about to make my way to my room when Darla pushed me, causing me to stumble just the slightest. But it was enough to get a reaction out of me. I turned to face her, fists clenched.

"What, bitch?" she snarled.

"I didn't realize how stupid you were, but I should expect nothing less from an airhead," I stated, internally trying to calm my raging heartbeat. A growl left her lips as she lunged at me. I quickly sidestepped, making her run into the nearby table. 

"You useless human!" she growled and tossed something at me before I could react. I attempted to dodge, but it managed to cut my arm, leaving a stinging sensation. 

 I couldn't stop myself from shaking, losing control. I slammed her against the counter roughly. She whimpered, followed by a snarl. She pushed me, making me fall back and hit my head against the counter. I got up and lunged at her, knocking her down. I began to punch her repeatedly, the cracking of her nose not giving me enough satisfaction to stop. 

She was screaming, but it sounded far away, the pounding in my ears too overpowering. I felt someone pull me back, sparks rushing through me at their touch. I turned to find Selden gripping my arms, keeping me in place. I glared at him, hatred consuming my being. The person destined to love me standing right in front of me, defending someone else over me. I was starting to see red and knew I had to leave before I made a mistake that I'd later regret. I pulled away from him roughly. He looked hurt, but I was far from caring.

"Go on and play nurse with your slut," I spat, pushing past him and making my way to my room. I entered and showered quickly, washing the blood from my arm and bandaging it. I put on some blue jeans and a black tank top. I topped it off with my favorite black leather jacket and black Converse. I got my keys and headed out. 

I went out only to find the slut couple leaning against my car. 

"I suggest you get off my baby before I kill you both," I stated. I watched them get off my black Mustang.

"You own this beauty?" Selden questioned. I ignored him and unlocked my car. He pulled my arm, making me face him. I glared at him, yanking my arm from his grasp, ignoring the tingling sensation his touch left. 

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