Chapter 18

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I walked into Selden's temporary room. The doctor and I had him on bed rest until his body burned up all of the poison and recovered from it. I saw a wide awake Selden sitting up, ready to get out of bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked. He froze and turned to look at me.

"I need some fresh air," he said.

"You'll get that soon enough. For now, get your butt back in bed," I spoke sternly. He grimaced.

"It's been two weeks," he muttered. His eyes landed on my growing belly. "When are you due?" he asked, laying back down.

"Soon, I believe. They've been kicking really often. I've been feeling really exhausted. I'd give them a few weeks," I said. His eyes widened.

"It hasn't even been four months, Lessi," he said, looking at me like I had grown two heads. I laughed and shook my head.

"You're talking about the future rulers of all supernaturals," I spoke, earning a look of disbelief. I sighed. "It's a long story..."


"We need to talk, love," I told Alessa as she entered the room. She looked exhausted. She hadn't gone to see the doctor lately. She looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. I walked toward her and wrapped my arms around her protruding belly, caressing softly. "You have a doctor's appointment today. No excuses. You're probably due soon. We don't even know the sex of the babies. All of this with Selden is not your priority. You need to focus on our twins," I scolded.

"I know. I know," she said, resting her head on my chest. I picked her up and laid her down on the bed. I bent down and captured her lips in a quick kiss.

"Get some rest. I'll bring us some food in a bit," I told her. She nodded and snoozed off quickly. I kissed her head and then her belly twice before walking quietly out of the room. I ran into her dad on my way out.

"My office?" he asked. I nodded. We walked there and he locked the door.

"I still haven't convinced her not to fight. I don't know what to do. She's so stubborn," I muttered.

"I consulted with the elders and they've told me this was meant to happen. There's no stopping it," he said with a grimace. I shook my head, frowning.

"There has to be another option," I spoke. He looked away hesitantly before looking back at me.

"There is...but it's too risky..." he trailed off.

"Tell me," I ordered, making him sigh.

"I was told that there was the option of the future Goddess' mate battling an original. If the mate won, then the original's strength would transfer to the mate, making the future Goddess and her mate a powerful couple, which makes them the immediate rulers," he said. I nodded.

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"You can't be serious. What about your kids? What if they end up with no father? Worse off, with no parents? You know Alessa won't agree to this. You would have to fight the original, while she fights her sister," he said.

"I have to win. I know I can win," I said. "How do I do this?" I repeated the question. Alpha Woods looked at me pleadingly before sighing and nodding.

"The only original I know is a vampire. The problem is he's undefeated. Never lost a fight. He also happens to have taken an interest in Alessa...."


I know its short but I just wanted to get something up. This book is coming to an end. Finally! A few more chapters left and then it'll be done. Have a great day/night!

                              -Jenni :)

Even though this story is done, I still would like feedback

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