Chapter 9

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"Ready to go?" Dax asked me as I finished zipping up my black bag. He stood at the door of our room with a similar bag hanging off his shoulder. He had the keys to what I assumed was his grey bike in his hand. He wore a grey shirt that clung to his defined abs. He had on dark blue jeans and black combat boots. He walked toward me and wrapped his arm around me, pushing me up to meet his lips in a soft, passionate kiss.

"Yep. Let's head out. I want to be there before nightfall. I want to go for a run," I smiled, thinking of my wolf.

"Of course, love. Let's go," he said, picking up my bag after releasing me. I grabbed my phone and put it in the pocket of my dark blue skinny jeans.I got my keys as well and headed out. "By the way," Dax said behind me,"I'm loving my shirt on you and those jeans," he finished huskily. I smirked. I was wearing one of his black shirts that clung to his abs, but it hung loosely on my smaller frame. I had to tie it on the side so that it clung slightly onto my waist.

"What can I say? I dress to impress," I said, turning to give him a quick wink before facing forward and walking downstairs to the living room. I made sure to move my hips seductively, making a groan escape from Dax.

"My little temptress," he stated, his voice huskier than before. I quickly said my good byes to the few pack members that were inside. I went outside and spotted Seb talking to one of the pack warriors that would accompany us to the Woods Pack.

"Take care, Lessi. Not too much stress, 'kay?" Seb said as he gave me a hug.

"Yeah, yeah. Have fun!" I winked. He gave me a mischievous smirk. "I don't need the details," I muttered, making a face. Seb laughed and bid us good bye. One of the warriors took our bags, since he would be taking a car. I thanked him and hopped onto my black bike. I revved up the engine and sped off after my matching black helmet was on. I saw Dax follow behind me in his grey bike, a matching grey helmet on his head. Behind him, I could see a black Camaro. Thanks to my now enhanced vision, I could make out a silver Challenger behind the Camaro. I turned my attention back on the road, pressing on the gas pedal to get to my destination faster.


I hopped off my bike twenty minutes later, Dax parking right beside me. He got off and came to my side. I walked toward the silver Challenger. The warrior from earlier, whose name was Eric, handed me my bag. I thanked him and searched my bag for my black shades. I took off my helmet and slipped my shades on just as I heard the footsteps of the Alpha of the Woods Pack. I put on a blank face and turned to face him. He hadn't changed much. He looked slightly bigger, but not more than Dax. He was facing Dax, who had removed his helmet.

"You must be the trainer. Welcome to the Woods Pack. I'm Alpha Selden and I am glad that you could make it here," Selden said. I leant against the car and observed Dax raise an eyebrow at me. I smirked and shrugged.

"I'm not the trainer," Dax said, turning back to look at Selden. Selden raised his eyebrows and turned toward my direction, looking next to me, where Eric stood. Dax chuckled and made his way toward me, kissing my lips lightly and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I apologize, but who exactly is the trainer?" Selden asked, walking toward us. He eyed Dax, then Eric. I ignored his question and finally spoke.

"Boys, you guys can get out of the vehicles," I said. I turned to see the doors of the black Camaro open. The four warriors came out with their bags in hand. I then looked to the car I was leaning on and saw the last three exit the vehicle. They waited expectantly for my next command.

"She's the trainer?" Selden finally acknowledged me. "Is this some type of joke?" he added in disbelief.

"Are you calling me a joke?" I asked loudly. "Babe," I said, turning to Dax, "Let's head on home. I'm in no mood to deal with arrogant bastards," I said, looking back at Selden.

"I don't like being disrespect-"

"I suggest you shut it or else you'll have Seb on your ass in no time," I growled. I removed my shades only to have him gawk at me as he recognized who I was.

"Alessa?" he stated, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Surprised?" I asked, a smirk plastered on my face. He looked at Dax, his eyes darkening.


"Alessa!" the former Alpha, my dad, interrupted Selden. I turned to see him a few feet away. I smiled and walked toward him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

"Hey, dad. Missed me?" I said, kissing his cheek. He smiled warmly at me.

"Of course I did! Who wouldn't miss this beautiful angel?" he said, letting go. "Where's my son-in-law?" he asked, looking behind me. I sensed Dax walk toward us. My dad gave him a one arm hug.

"How's it going, Reed?" Dax asked. They were already on first name basis.

"Good," dad replied. "You better be behaving, son. I don't think I want to be a grandpa just yet," he added. I couldn't help but laugh. "On second thought....I am getting old. You better start working on my grandkids!" Dad added as an after thought. My laughing stopped as a menacing growl was heard. I snapped my head back to see an angry Selden approaching us.

"MINE!" He roared, pushing past Dax and dad. He pulled me to his chest and kissed me fiercely. I could barely feel the tingling sensation from his touch. I pushed him away, not realizing I had used my strength. I sent him flying against a nearby tree. Everyone's eyes went wide, except Dax'. Dax came to my side and wrapped his arm protectively around me.

"You okay, love?" he asked. I nodded and turned to see Selden pick himself up. He walked towards me and voiced what most of the men present were thinking.

"What the fuck was that?" he said.

"Princess, you have plenty of explaining to do," my dad said, stepping into my line of vision. "Come on. Let's get you settled," he added and led the way to the pack house. Dax took my bag and his in one hand. He wrapped his free arm around me and walked behind my dad. I sensed the rest of the men following behind me.


Once we had gotten settled (Dax and I would be sharing my old room), we all crowded into the living room. By "we", I meant my men, Dax, dad, Selden (unfortunately) and I. I took a deep breath and began my story.

"I'm obviously not human, although that was what most of you, excluding my dad and Dax, thought. I am actually the Princess Defender of Werewolves. Since the Moon Goddess can't focus on just one type of supernatural being, she has a royal kingdom that helps her with this task. Every prince, princess, king, and queen has a specific supernatural being assigned (or, in some cases, chosen). Once they gain their powers (which varies from royal to royal) at the age of twelve, they are able to change into that specific supernatural being and learn their ways, as well as live amongst them. I am a special case. I was originally assigned to the vampires, but, once I hit fourteen, I discovered I could change into any supernatural being. Not only this, but my powers are stronger and better than any royal ever to live, aside from the Moon Goddess herself. The Moon Goddess gave me the option of choosing which supernatural to defend, but I had to agree to go back to her kingdom if I were to ever be needed. I agreed and decided on becoming the defender of werewolves. I did lose my powers a couple days before I turned fifteen, but that is a story for another day. I was still welcomed by my dad, the former Alpha of this pack, with open arms," I said, pausing to smile at my dad, who smiled back. "That is the reason most of you saw me as human, even though I wasn't. I gained my powers again a few days ago, thanks to Dax, my boyfriend and soon-to-be mate," I said, cuddling into Dax. Selden growled, but I put my hand up, effectively preventing him from getting up. He grit his teeth in annoyance, and I glared at him. "Behave, or I may just have a replacement for you by the end of the day," I said. That immediately shut him up. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we would like to go on a quick run. Have a good evening," I said, standing up. Dax took my hand and walked outside, where we walked further into the woods. We took our clothes off quickly and shifted into our wolf form. It was slightly painful for me, but it was definitely worth it. I moved my clothes from the floor to our room with a swift movement of my eyes. Then we set off running faster than I remember doing so before.


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