one; restless,

7 3 0

I am awake. Why am I awake? I hardly fell asleep so why am I awake already? It's 2:30am. I can't go back to sleep, no matter how hard I try. Should I try counting sheeps? No, that would probably be super childish and won't help at all. I turn around and around. I shove all my pillows away just to put them under my head again. Ah, my head. It feels like it's going to explode. It doesn't hurt but... it's a weird feeling. It feels so full and I know that it is. Full with regrets, emotions and lies I couldn't get off my chest. Why am I even trying to get back to sleep, if I was making any progress it would have worked till now. This night reminds me of the night my father went away. I tried to sleep but, just like tonight, it didn't work. I should stand up and get a bit of fresh air. Or drink something. Or maybe write down everything...

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