First things first.

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"This boring." I told Marlex. We where hanging out at his house with Latrell. I looked what time it was. It was only 11:35 but we had school tomorrow it was only Thursday. "Hey let's go in the woods." Marlex had suggested. "Hell no." Latrell said obviously afraid. "Why not?" Marlex asked him. Latrell had started making up lots of reasons. I sighed. "Lets just go nothing's going to even happen." I told Latrell. "You guys can." He replied. I sighed louder. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" I asked him. "Latrell stoping being a dick." Marlex added. "Okay gosh." He said getting up.

We were halfway in the woods. It was dark but we came into the middle where there weren't so many deer. We live in Cali so you could imagine. "Its dark.." Latrell said. "We have the light from our phones." Marlex said. "What now?" I asked I had left my phone back at Marlexs house. I looked around all I mainly saw was darkness and Marlexs face a little. Latrell didn't have his phone I guessed because he wasn't checking it every second. Marlex turned his phone off so it was pitch black. "I was suppose to call my mom I think we should head back." I said it was deadly silent. "Well I don't know the way." Latrell said breaking the stillness. We were all waiting for Marlex to say something but he ever did. I heard a branch snap but it was in the distance. I felt something jump at me I fell on the ground screaming. "Gotcha." Marlex said laughing. He couldn't tell my facial expression. Good thing to. "Marlex! that's not funny.." I told him. Latrell was laughing with Marlex. "Can you get off me?" I asked a little mad. "I don't know can I?" He said not laughing anymore. He got up and helped me up. "I can't believe you'd do that." I told him. "Uh guys do you hear that?" Latrell said. Everyone got quiet again we stopped walking. "Marlex.. Stop trying to be funny." I said in a whisper voice. "That's not me....." He replied holding my hand. I reached up and felt Latrell's shoulder I kept my hand there I felt safer. "Hey I have a idea." Latrell said as the sound got closer. "What?" I asked. "Run!" He yelled we started running when I tripped over something I hurt my leg. Latrell and Marlex came back to where I fell. "Come on!" Marlex yelled at me. "I-I can't.." I said my leg was bleeding. Marlex was panicking the sound was only a few feet away.

Latrell attempted to carry me he picked me up then couldn't run. "I don't know how to.." He said he had me so I was Straddling him. (We were scared running out of options) Marlex was in front but he was really slow. We wondered why he never bothered to use the flashlight on his phone. We almost there? I hope so.. I thought to myself.

We finally made it back to Marlexs house. "Sorry Mya." Latrell said putting me down on the couch. I forgot about my leg. "Did you shut the door?" Marlex asked Latrell. "Dude. My hands were full." He said motioning to me. I felt like I was going to pass out my vision was fading. "No no no no. This getting weird." Latrell said facing Marlex. I felt really bad and I couldn't talk. I couldn't hear what they where saying anymore.

I had to try to keep eyes open and not in the sleepy way.

Narration: It was only 2 but it felt like longer than that to them. Latrell suggested calling someone but Marlex said it wasn't a good idea. "Why did you pick her up like that?" Marlex asked Latrell. Latrell didn't say anything for a minute until Marlex asked again. "I was hurrying we didn't know what was back there could have been a bear or something. Besides you didn't do anything." Latrell said looking at Mya. It was starting to storm really bad the lights flickered. "Whatever, I'll be right back." Marlex said leaving to his room. The lights went out again but for a while. Latrell felt something push him down but he couldn't see. He felt someone run past him. "Marlex!" He yelled. The lights came back on but they weren't clear. "What happen why you on the ground?" He asked Latrell. "Mya.. She.. Gone.." He replied shaky.

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