Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Harry’s POV

    I was rooming with Niall. What the fuck? I have never had a real conversation with him. It was always just a simple “hi” or “hey” while walking through the hallways. And now I’m rooming with him. I cannot believe this. Why me? “So I guess we’re rooming with each other?” Niall asked as he walked over to me.

    “Yeah I guess.” I replied.

    A few minutes later we all got to the bus to take us to the hotel we were staying at. I sat next to Louis since Niall sat next to his friend. I think his name was Zayn Malik. By the time we got to the hotel it was already 7pm, so we went up to our rooms to unpack. When we got to our rooms you could just feel the awkward. I felt bad for not saying anything...but I didn’t know what to say. An hour later and we finally finished unpacking all our things. “i’m fucking hungry!” Niall stated as he broke the silence.

    I chuckled. “We just ate at the airport when we landed, how could you be hungry?” I questioned him.

    He shrugged. “We could walk over to the McDonalds across the street.” I told him.

    He nodded, so we walked down to McDonalds. Once we got there we ordered and we decided just to take it back tot he room. 5 minutes later and Niall was done with his food. Damn! This kid could eat fast. He finished before me and he ordered much more than I did. “What the hell Niall!!” He looked up at me.


    “You scarfed that down!”

    “Well I was hungry!” was all he said.

    After I finished my food we were both feeling a little sleepy, so we decided to sleep. We both stripped down to our boxers and jumped in our beds. “Night Harry.”

    “Night Niall.”

    As I lay down I replayed the whole day in my head. Niall was so nice to me today. His bleached brown hair was different but in a cute way. You could see his brown roots poking through the blond.  His bright blue eyes glittered in the sunlight. He had really pretty eyes. I wonder why he doesn’t have a girlfriend. He’s hot! I would date him! Wait. What am I saying?! I found Niall attractive?! I would date him?! This isn’t right. I’m not gay. I just need to sleep on it.

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