Chapter 8

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*****Niall's P.O.V*****

      "Ni? Where are you?" Harry asks as he walks in the door.

     "I'm in my room, Harry!" I yelled back. As soon as i finished my sentence I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. I turned around so I was now face to face with Harry. Looking right into his captavating emrald eyes. "Why hello there Hazz."

     He leaned down to press his forhead to mine. "Hey babe." He whispered. I felt his warm breath tickle my lips as he leans in.

      I shoot up out of my bed. What was that about? Why would I be dreaming that? Why did it have to end right before our lips touched, i couldn't have slept for 2 more minute? Wait! What?! did i like that dream? 

     The answer is yes. I did. But why? I mean yes, Harry was very atractive and he was really sweet to me yesterday and took me to McDonalds and his eyes. Don't even get me started on his eyes. And his curls. I would totally consider dating him.

     WAIT! What am i talking about? I can't fancy Harry. I'm straight and so is he. Ok, maybe i am starting to have a tiny bit of feelings for him. Oh my gosh, this is going to be an awkward week.

     When i got up I took a quick shower then went to ran across the street to pick up some breakfast for me and Harry since we don't have any food in the hotel room yet. Since Harry was still asleep when i left i didnt know what he would want. So i ordered 4 egg mcmuffins, 2 coffees and orange juices, and some hash browns.

     As I walked in the door i saw Harry sitting on the couch watching the telly. He looked like he has just woken up and wasn't fully awake. Then i realised he didn't have any clothes on. As i walked farther into the room he heard me and looked up. I could feel my face heat up a little bit.

      "Where did you go?" He asked "When i woke up this morning you weren't here."

     "I ran over to McDonalds to get us some breakfast. And I dont know if you've noticed or not, but your naked." I stated the last part sarcasticly.

     "Oh yeah. Sorry. It's just kinda a habbit. I'll go put some clothes on. And thanks for the breakfast. I'll be back out to eat in a minute." With that he walked out of the room.

      I faintly heard his phone ring then i quiet "hello" but i just drowned out the rest of the conversation while i unpacked the food.

      When harry walked out he had a pair of sweat pants on and a purple Jack Wills hoodie on. And let me just tell you, he looked amazing in that outfit.

      Then he walked over to the table and sat down across from me and grabbed a mcmuffin and an orange juice. After taking a few bites he started talking.

      "Niall, I was wondering if maybe you and your friends would wanna hang out with me Liam, Louis, and Danielle today? We were just maybe gonna walk around and see some of Barcelona. I mean you dont have to if you dont want to. I was just wondering. i thought may-" he was mumbling.

     "Harry! Shut the hell up!" I said laughing lightly. "I would like to hang out with you all today. I'll just go call Zayn and Josh then Perrie and El. They will probably be up for it. I'll be right back."


     Everyone agreed. They said they were planning on doing the same thing anyway. I walked back into the room and sat down.

     "They said yes. They are actually quite excited. I'm gonna go change them i'll be ready to leave." i said.

     "Ok. Make sure everyone knows we're gonna meet down in the lobby in 30 minutes."

     I walked into my room and after texting everyone i was looking through my clothes. What do I wear?! I don't wanna look stupid! I don't want Harry to think I look bad! This is going to be a stressful process. But hopefully a fun day.


Hey people!!! i would really like to know what you think so maybe you could leave some comments telling us what you think so far. it would mean sooooo much!!!

   xoxo- Madi

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