Chapter Six: The Maid Of Orleans

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"France/Calais: December 2018"

There was an explosive tension inside the small restaurant in the town of Calais; at first glance it seemed calm and normal but if you looked closer you would find creatures out of the ordinary, they had once been human but they were no more, they had already tasted death and that made them fearless and utterly dangerous. As if that wasn't enough they had inherited powers from the underworld. Five of the most powerful among them were in the same place, their murderous intent growing higher and higher.

"You have made a great mistake  by angering the king." The young woman said in perfect french keeping a cold emotionless smile.

Ivan who was still chatting with Evelyn and Perenelle finally noticed the strange newcomer, "Guys I think our trip in France is officially ruined." He said pointing at the woman making Evelyn and Perenelle turn to face her.

"You..." Perenelle growled

"You have made a great mistake  by angering the king." The young woman repeated ignoring Perenelle, "You will pay for that."

"Come on, I've heard that so many times it's getting boring." Ivan complained loudly, "Don't you have anything better to do? These people don't even know they're in the same room with The Maid Of Orleans herself, can't you go sign autographs or something?"

The people in the restaurant started sending weird looks at the group, some even started to take pictures whispering inaudible things to each other.

Nicholas looked around the room and faced the dark haired woman again; "You're not going to start a fight with all these people around are you? That wouldn't be very good for the reputation of Saint Joan." Nicholas said the last part making air quotes.

Joan of Arc just looked at the alchemist and kept her smile, "These people are very few compared to the ones who will suffer if you carry out your plan."

"So we're going to fight?" Ivan asked

"Yes." Joan said without even thinking which made Ivan's grin grow wider, "But first, I have a few questions to ask.

To the surprise of everyone in the room even those who had no clue about what  was happening, Perenelle Flamel burst into uncontrollable laughter. "Why should we answer any of your questions?"

"Come on Perenelle, if you're gonna send someone to the depths of the underworld you owe them at least a few answers." Evelyn cut in and then faced Joan, "You may have a seat." She said pointing at an empty chair nearby but Joan ignored the gesture.

"Why are you doing this?" Joan asked with her smile gone and replaced with an expression of rage and anger.

"I'll answer your question" Evelyn said, "We do this because we love this world and we want to save it, because of that we have to deal with anyone who stands in the way of world peace."

"Do you have any idea of what you have already destroyed?" Rage continued to rise in Joan's voice, "Everything was just fine before you decided to blew it all up and start this stupid and childish game."

Ivan's face instantly became serious as he got up to his feet and faced Joan with a look that would have made most grown ups cut and run, but Joan didn't even flinch, "Are you sure everything was just fine as you say? Or maybe you're just too selfish and blind to see what's happening in this world."

At that moment a big man in a suit came and stood in the center of the restaurant followed by a waiter in uniform. The waiter pointed at the table where Nicholas and his strange company were and then murmured a few words to the big man. The big man seemed to be pissed by the whole thing but he faked a smile and approached the table earning himself estranged looks. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to tell you to leave." The man said calmly but with authority.

"Well actually I was going to tell you the same thing." Joan said with a renewed smile then she raised her voice a little more; "I'd like you to tell everyone here to leave this place immediately."

"What are you talking about." The big man chuckled then called. "Security come and deal with these people please, I've had enough."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Joan said then lunged at the big man. In a flash, she had him by the collar and he was dangling a foot from the ground. "Now you're going to tell everyone in this restaurant to leave."

The big man didn't even have to say it; the people in the restaurant started to pour out rapidly, visibly panicked by the events. "Who are you." The big man managed with great effort.

"My name is Joan Of Arc mostly known as the Maid Of Orleans. I am here to kill four people and I don't want you people to get caught up in it. Now leave, and your restaurant will need serious repairing after this is over." The angry warrior released the big man who fell on his butt, watched the warrior in disbelief then ran away staggering and hitting tables with his security personnel. Joan then turned to face Nicholas and his companions. "You've already caused a war, I think that's enough. now is your last chance to call this off and come with me safely to the King."

Swords appeared in the twins' hands, in an awkward moment they had to switch their mismatched swords with Evelyn complaining loudly. "I can't believe you kept my sword, we should have done this way before."

"I hate you people." Joan said then lunged at Nicholas with no weapon. Nicholas dodged the first blow but Joan turned around faster than the alchemist could register and punched him in the gut; a punch so hard it sent the alchemist flying yards away breaking tables and chairs on his way.

Joan then turned to face the twins with their swords in their hands. She attacked them her anger rising even more because of the grin on Ivan's face. Just before she reached Ivan a long five feet long iron spear with French engravings appeared in her right hand, she swung her weapon at him but he blocked it with Durendal. The impact sent sparks flying in every direction and the two fighters faced each other fiercely as a duel of strength between sword and spear was underway.

"You have no idea of how strong I am." The female warrior said to Ivan whose grin was still passing her off.

"You sure?" The boy asked. "You were born the sixth of January in fourteen twelve then beheaded on the thirtieth of may in fourteen thirty one, a great figure in the hundred years war. Known for being a great strategist."

"You've clearly read your history but that doesn't say much about my strength." Joan said then release her spear and lunged at Ivan who had anticipated the move and did a flip making Joan pass just below him. Joan stopped, turned around, summoned her spear and lunged at Ivan before he could hit the ground. The spear pierced right through Ivan's gut.

"I am utterly dissapointed, I thought you were stronger than that." Joan said as she yanked the spear out of the boy who didnt even flinch.

"Instead of worrying about me you'd rather worry about your own back." Ivan said his grin now wider than ever.

Joan looked back in time to see Evelyn attacking her with her swords. Joan dodged a few blows then blocked others with her spear, she tried to jab at at Evelyn but she was too fast. "You should be worried about your brother. This spear makes pretty nasty cuts."

"You know Joan, there is one person here who is under-informed. And it's you. I'll have to note that you're also outnumbered." Evelyn said with her expression as blank as ever.

Joan took the time to scan the room; Nicholas was standing in a corner watching the fight closely, Perenelle had not moved an inch from her sit and Ivan was sitting on a table with his arms crossed.

"You are definitely strong." Evelyn continued. "But we are strong too so you can't beat us alone."

Something flashed in the center of the room, the light was so intense and bright that everyone had to shut their eyes.

"She is not alone." A voice called from the light.

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