Chapter 7

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Taehyung POV

I was so happy he really let me keep the lion, I couldn't stop grinning. I was so used to my adoptive parents taking everything from I couldn't bring myself to trust that he wouldn't do the same. They always played sick games like that, giving me something the taking it away as soon as I started to get comfortable. Appa didn't, he's different from them, I think... I hope. I really want to trust him, he's been nice to me since I got here, I want him to stay that way.

We were leaving the store when I realized I had to use the bathroom. It dawned on me that I hadn't gone since the middle of the night and was probably unconsciously holding it since. I had to learn to hold since I was rarely allowed to go to the bathroom when they locked me up. I didn't know what to do, should I ask to go or would he be upset like they were. I was brought out of my thoughts when appa picked me up and sat me in the booster seat he got.

I didn't like it at first, it felt like I was being restricted but when I looked over I could actually see out of the window. I had to strain to see before so I put up with it for the new view. My predicament was immediately forgotten as I found myself looking at everything I could. I could hear faint chuckles as my eyes found themselves getting heavier and heavier. I don't remember when I fell asleep but I knew it was a big mistake when I woke up.

Namjoon POV

I had plans to take Tae to the park a little ways away after our store run. It was pretty amusing to watch him attach he face to the window in awe of everything, I couldn't help but chuckle at him. The park was about thirty minutes away and he fell asleep about fifteen minutes into the ride. We just down the street when I saw him start to stir, perfect timing I thought.

I was about to tell him we were almost there when he suddenly started to freak out. I didn't understand what was wrong I thought maybe it was a nightmare and tried to calm him. "Hey Tae it's ok it's just a dream, your ok" I said reaching back with one hand to try and comfort him. He only got louder in his cries "Whats wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?" I tried. He didn't didn't answer only saying sorry continuously.

He didn't seem to be calming any like this so I made short work of parking the car then making my way to the backseat. I undid his buckle and tried to pick him up, but he turned his whole body away. I just lifted him from his back then when I finally understood what was wrong. He had a huge wet spot on his pants it seemed to seep through to the car seat too. 'How long was he holding it' I thought looking at how big it was.

If I thought about it I don't recall him ever going, guess it never dawned on me to ask if he had to. I'm pretty sure he couldn't bring himself to ask, no doubt courtesy of his wonderful upbringing. I wasn't mad in the least, I should have had him go before we left so if anything it's my fault. Though I need to make it clear that he needs to start opening his mouth if he needs something.

I was taking out of my thoughts realizing his cries had only increased when I lifted him. He actually start to squirm and kick so I'd put him down, "stop it" I said in warning. He didn't listen still fighting to get out of my grip, I sighed and sat him back in the seat. I couldn't do much till we got home though I felt leaving him in those clothes wouldn't help his hysteria. I made the short trip home honestly getting a tad irritated with the cries, no matter what I said he didn't stop.

I explained to him many times that it was ok but it didn't help. In all honesty he probably couldn't hear me over all the noise he was making. I didn't want to scare him right now but this was getting ridiculous. I pulled through the gate parking the car, some were ants came out puzzles expressions on their faces. I asked them to get all the groceries and stuff out for me while I handled Tae. When I opened the door he actually tried to move to the opposite side till I grabbed him by his arm.

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