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(Hamilton's P.O.V.)

     It wasn't unusual for me to be at Felicity's Famous Cafe. I loved their lattes and there was this one guy, Samuel, I think. He was adorable. Light hair and freckles everywhere. (Hey that rhymed!) He also had these glasses, they looked a big on his face, but they looked cute. I never spoke to him, but that was because he kept shying away whenever I tried. Not today though. I had spoken to my friend, Peggy, who works here to write his number on my cup. I couldn't believe she actually did. I called the number quickly, only to hear his voice on the other end.

     "Hello, who is this?" His voice was quiet and meek.

     "My name is Alex, I'm a regular customer at Felicity's, and I've been meaning to speak to you for a while." Silence came from the other end, as though he were debating on hanging up.

     "Alright 'Alex', why did you want o speak to me? Also, how do you you know me?"

     "Well, Samuel, I know you because you are the cashier at Felicity's and yes, before you start, I do know your name. You wear a name tag. I wanted to talk to you because I, Alexander Hamilton, have a crush on you. You should feel special." He laughed at my response. "Oh yeah, and I wanted to ask you out." I added before he said anything.

     "Fine, I accept. Cool you pick me up after work on Friday? I get off at 7. You can choose where we go."

     "Sounds like a deal! I'll see you tomorrow Sam." And with that, I hung up.

Alright! That wasn't too bad. This was requested by my good friend, Jester726.

Q: who do you guys want to see more of?

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