Philidosia, kinda

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(Requested by Jester726 )

This is a magic AU, so enjoy.
Philip's P.O.V.

We were practicing for the first time since I learned about magic, and I was excited as was physically possible. We figured out that I'm really good at wind magic, but with some effort, water magic is possible too. I was trying this thing where I would make a small wind funnel, and then I decided to lower my small creation into the pool. Not a good idea.

"Philip! Why did you do that? For crying out loud, why?! We'll be lucky if you survive until next week at this rate."

"You never told me what would happen! I was curious, okay!"

He gave me a look and said "Please ask me before you do something next time, okay?"

"Fine, I will."

"Thank you." At this point, D.T just looked like he was about to hurl a lightning bolt at something, which he did.

"Uhmmm, try putting that fire out with a bit of water magic, will you?" I did as he asked, begrudgingly.

"Good job! Okay, now we're gonna try an energy ball. "

"Can't be that hard. Let's go." (A/N :) You know why this is here.) I tried over, and over, and over, and over again, failing every time. Finally, I was done with it, I was frustrated, and I just needed a moment.

"Oh my Lord, Philip, who is this? Why is there a flaming match box? Explain yourself!" That was Theo, my girlfriend.

"This shortie, is my friend. I have no answer for your other question. Gimme a second, ok?"

"I'm not short!"

Ignoring his statement, I pulled D.T aside and bombarded him with questions. "What do we do? How do I explain this? Could we just teach her magic too? Help me out here!"

"I can't teach two people at once, are you crazy?!"

"You teach me, and I'll teach her as I learn."

He facepalmed and said "That's not how it works."

"That's not how what works?"

"One moment, Theo!" This is a mess.

*Le time skip*

Finally, after a while we explained everything, and let her try to learn what I was learning.

"Okay, so, like this?" Small sparks were forming in her hand, but not much else.

"Yes. Keep going."

     "I finally did it! Yes!" I was a darkish turquoise energy ball, and I was proud. D.T clapped, he seemed proud of me.

     "Great job, Philip!" She jumped up, kissing me.

     "Excuse me, small child in the room!"

     I turn to face him. "So you admit it!"

     "Shut up."

This is getting long, and I could go on with this, but we will stop here. Stay cool!

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