[ Chapter 6 ]

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The two slowly turned around.

Colonna fainted when she saw him.


"Why have you kidnapped me?!" Xahji yelled at Adina. Adina simply smirked.

"Because, dear, I want Snazzy. Snazzy and I are literally meant to be! I'm a jock, he's a jock..you're a nerd..he's a jock. It just doesn't go together! Oh, and I left a note for them to read. I doubt they know where to go anyway. We're in my basement. They will never know where it is because,"

Adina flipped a switch and the wall opened. She walked through the opening and turned to look at Xahji.

Adina smirked and the wall closed.


"Snazzy! I'm so glad to see you!"

Goth patted Snazzy on the back. He looked on the floor where Colonna was and shrugged.

"As you guys may know, Xahji has been taken. Do you know who took her?" Goth asked Snazzy.

"I think I may know. I believe it was Adina. She really wants to date me, but I'm just not interested in her. She thinks that jocks should date jocks and nerds should date nerds. Just think about Fresh and PJ! They're a nerd and a jock, and they're both dating! They're perfectly happy with eachother, and that's all that matters," Snazzy took Goth's hands, "your sister makes me the happiest skeleton ever, and I would hate to never find her again."

Goth looked at Snazzy and smiled slightly, "she's pretty great, isn't she?"

Snazzy nodded and blushed a deep green.

Colonna got up and saw Snazzy holding Goth's hands. "Umm..what is going on here?"

The two males looked at each other and Snazzy let go of Goth's hands. "We were just talking about how much we loved Xahji." Goth said.

"Ohh well," Colonna held Goth's hands, "I love Xahji, but I love you more!"

She leaned in to kiss him, but Goth pulled away.

"Anyways," Goth started, "we need a plan to save Xahji! Do you guys know where Adina lives?"

Colonna smiled brightly, "I think I may know!"

"And how would you know?" Snazzy asked.

"Because," Colonna paused then spoke again, "I just know, ok? It would make the story more interesting if I knew, and I do so! Let's get going!"

Colonna happily skipped out of Xahji's room. The two male skeletons looked at each other and shrugged.

They all exited the house and jumped into the car.

This was the search for Xahji.

Revenge - Xahji x Snazzy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now